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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 17th, 2024

  • the whole “the climate crisis isn’t the fault of people” is an excuse for the religious and rich and stupid to continue with business as usual until the environment collapses and we are all dead

    reasoning with them is like trying to de-program a cult member (the religious), get a drug addict to give up drugs (the rich and their avarice), or teach a windows user to learn linux (the stupid and learning new things that make sense)

    the intelligent people need to stop trying to reason with these three tar pit groups and force them to adhere to our will

    but the reality is that this should have happened 50 to 100 years ago and it’s probably too late. we’re sort of of at the “is it better to be in the blast zne or slightly outside the blast zne” phase of environmental collapse. the problem is mostly religion, which has doomed us.

  • so, i do think christians hate gay people, i guess i just don’t see them doing the whole throwing gays off the rooftops. even if it’s just the “availability heuristic” affecting my views and not based on the number of gays thrown off roofs, i just have only seen Muslims do that

    I believe a lot of what you are saying at this point, that it probably technically is genocide

    even if i believe you, i lack political power to do anything

    i am barely getting by in this world at times

    i don’t know if i think land should be owned by certain governments or people, i really think people should be able to go anywhere and live there if they want to. the problem is people have different cultural views and these views aren’t compatible. like conservative iraqi people probably wouldn’t want a large number of liberal gays moving there and demanding change just like liberal cities in the US wouldn’t want a bunch of conservative muslims moving to the area and demanding change. muslim countries sometimes treat women terribly. the countries in which women can’t learn math are mostly muslim. right now there are females who are intelligent enough to be computer scientists or mathematicians who are wearing burkas they can’t remove in public and who aren’t allowed to read math books and are literally slaves due to an absence of rights. i can’t imagine the horror of being an intelligent woman in that situation. people of different cultures sometimes have different birth rates too so in democratic societies if people with conservative or misogynistic values and higher birth rates move to the area, there’s a risk that eventually women won’t be able to learn math and gays won’t be able to marry or even live without fear of state execution for their orientation if the population changes and it results in cultural shifts.

    in many ways, this is completely irrelevant because even if i am scared of conservative muslim culture, it doesn’t make genocide okay. i am not sure if Palestinians are even that conservative, they probably aren’t. i just don’t know if believe that muslim culture will gradually become more tolerant. i tend to believe that once muslims become a majority, they tend to become more openly conservative and there’s a higher risk of them demanding sharia law and successfully getting it passed. if sharia law passes, i die, that’s what it means for me, so i am fearful of muslim cultural spreading as a result. i also don’t see that many liberal muslims being tolerant of gays. instead, i recall that when canada had a lot of muslim refugees, many muslims were are a large part of a conservative coalition that did not want certain LGBT rights.

    i really believe in freedom of religion, and i am anti-genocide, but what is the resolution? when cultures are so different, you have to have different political systems in different areas.

    certain land being randomly apportioned to certain cultural and religious beliefs seems so arbitrary to me already

    i am not sure audiobooks would help. i find history sort of boring. i believe you that brutality is taking place and it’s wrong.

    much in the same way i can do nothing with the ukraine and russia situation, i don’t think there’s anything i can do in this situation either

    even if you are right and the two state solution should happen, why hasn’t it happened already? if it hasn’t happened, it must be difficult politically.

    I am very ignorant in many ways. The most I know about Palestinian culture is from Bella Hadid. She takes beautiful photos and I think she seems really cool. She’s part Palestinian and seems really nice from the little I know of her. The only other thing I know about Palestinians is they had really hard lives even prior to this and had really restricted movements and limited options. I heard someone say it was like an open air prison. I think that sometimes people in power create cruel situations and then when people rebel after being treated horribly, they use acts of rebellion as evidence that harsher treatment is necessary, and it’s not taking into account a broader view of problems and using power to ignore the entirety of a situation. I don’t think that the attacks that happened on October 7th happened in a vacuum, but I still don’t know how bad the situation in Palestine was before things got worse.

    You have a stem background right?

    I have a random idea. It is probably a stupid idea. What about having some sort of sign up to get small groups of Palestinians and Israeli people and other International Citizens all sharing perspectives in small groups? Like meetings for cultural understanding?

    Perhaps if there were little groups of 4 to 8 people discussing their views and experiences, including experiences of loss and tragedy, without political views of what should happened, but just like to create dialogue about what experiences are like, perhaps there would be more understanding of the frustrations both sides feel. Every group would have to have at least 1 palestinian and 1 jewish person and it would be just be sharing different emotional experiences. I doubt people would be interested. If you have a stem background in computers you could possibly set up some sort of website to do that? I am not a great programmer. Or perhaps another programmer would help? I like the idea but wouldn’t know where to begin. It may be a stupid idea, I don’t know. It would probably difficult due to languages barriers, but perhaps AI could somehow translate everything in real time so people could understand each other. Perhaps if more people talked to each other, there would be more willingness to have options that both groups would like.

    You just seem so smart and seem to care about this a lot. I hope you end up finding a way to have even more of an impact. I can sense your intelligence. You’re very smart. What sort of STEM did you study?

    I don’t think my islamophobia means that what is happening to civilians is somehow okay. i’m just mentioning my fears as someone within the LGBT community and how it makes me fearful. i am biased in my perspective and i think it’s better for me to acknowledge my bias than pretend it’s not there. i am also scared of christianity too.

    Perhaps if small groups of people could somehow talk and have conversations, then people would have a better understanding.

    Why is the 2 state solution rejected or hasn’t happened so far?

    Did you lose anyone in this conflict?

  • I don’t think conservative Christians want to throw gay people off roofs, so although both hate gay people, I don’t think they are equivalent

    You stated your position, but I have no idea if it’s politically viable

    I am asking if there a path to have people stop fighting that is politically feasible, not just something that is right according to various beliefs.

    I don’t really see a plan here on how to change things, just a position. Is your position politically feasible? Would anyone agree to it?

    I have a hard time reading books because get bored with facts and reading stuff that’s long and don’t like history. I am sure that Palestinian civilians are enduring horrors I can’t totally fathom. I have read enough at this point to know how bad it has been for many civilians there. I believe you are very knowledgeable and you keep supporting your positions with data so you’ve gained enough credibility with me that I take a lot of what you are saying as having a historical basis.

  • I like reading your posts because you are highly intelligent and include sources in them.

    However, I am not sure if these documents mean that they wouldn’t destroy Israel if they could. If all the Jewish adults and children of Israel were on an Island and each Hamas leader had a button that would destroy the island and everyone on it if pressed, I think all the Hamas leaders would probably press their buttons.

    I am also still scared of Sharia law because I am part of the LGBT community and that makes me scared of Muslims because sometimes when they get a majority, Sharia law ensues. I am scared enough that I can’t have rational views on this topic.

    In all honesty, you are one of the smartest and most knowledgeable people posting on here. Have you ever thought of creating a post just putting forward what you personally think should happen in this situation, with specific ideas for the various government leaders to follow, like an actual specific plan for multiple countries to follow that would be politically feasible? And possibly address concerns that people could have and just reply to them in advance so it would be politically feasible?

    Perhaps other people have done this, I don’t know. I’m still too biased to feel like I can have an accurate opinion on this. I know your posts have been more critical that offering suggestions, but I think you are so smart you could actually craft a suggestion on how to solve this whole mess in a politically feasible way that would perhaps appeal to people, laying out specific solutions, time-tables, etc, keeping in mind political feasibility (and addressing concerns of LGBT people and women if you want).

    You seem so smart. Are you a journalist or have a doctorate? I can sense your intelligence is formidable. I am not joking when I am saying that, you seem brilliant to me in the little I’ve read, which doesn’t mean I agree with your positions. A hard part of change is not just convincing people but also political feasibility. I am still very scared of a Muslim or more Muslim word. I don’t honestly think as a LGBT person my rights will be preserved if Muslims become a larger percent of the population. It shouldn’t affect discussions like this, people should have rights no matter what, but it’s hard to sympathize with a group of people who would potentially drop me off a building.

  • Pollution leads to a decline in the bug population. Pollution = human byproducts (including byproducts of imprisoned animals) causing global warming and climate change affecting habitat; pollution = pesticides and chemicals which make it harder for insects to reproduce; pollution = plastics, trash, and environmental contamination; pollution = human changes that are functionally useful for humans (like roads and farms with pesticides and cities) but may be not helpful for insects.

    The joke is that at first, having fewer bugs is nicer because a lot of bugs are annoying.

    The joke is also that while it’s convenient at first, in another few decades it means EVERYTHING will die, so it’s not actually a good thing.

    The joke is also the obliviousness of the human driver, who is relieved to be dealing with fewer bugs, not realizing that they are missing for the same reason he’s about to become extinct.

    There are decreases in pretty much all types of animals that are neither human nor domesticated by humans, and for bugs there are decreases of bees, and there’s been discussion that the world is experiencing and extinction event.

    Wynn Bruce set himself on fire and died trying to alert people that these trends pose a problem for humankind and no one cared. David Buckel also set himself on fire trying to warn people. It doesn’t matter at this point.

    The problem is religion. People are stupid and believe in imaginary bullshit that doesn’t exist and society accepts this as normal thinking. Psychiatry says bizarre religious thinking is a symptom of schizophrenia, but normal religious thinking is acceptable if enough people believe it (in an unscientific capitulation to popular opinion in a “scientific” field that is hardly ruled by scientific rules). Religion is always illogical and it’s dooming us all.

    People believe god would never create a planet that could be destroyed and don’t understand math or how to analyze scientific data. On top of that, greed caused by capitalism means that for most poor people, they are just struggling to get by and really can’t contemplate next year much less 100 years from now.

    Most pollution is caused by not only poor resource management and not correctly taking into account externalities of pollution into the markplace in creating government rules (and conservative economic theory means making rules to deal with externalities) but also caused by just too many people. It’s sad, but likely some horrible virus like bird flu killing most of the population is the only way in which the planet remains habitable. The fact that only Communist China has successfully been able to reduce their population through non-economic policy declarations (as opposed to restricting resources) is a sad commentary on some of the problems of democracy when so many people just can’t understand math and instead embrace religion. (China also is a large contributor to pollution and this is not meant as exculpation of the Chinese Communist Party, but rather a brutal look at how religion has played a large role in decimating the environment.)

    If people weren’t religious, they could understand these problems. But instead religious idiots take pleasure in making fun of Greta Thunberg as woke because they are literally too stupid to analyze graphs and intelligently assess data. That’s okay, if humankind lacks the intelligence to deal with this problem, then war famine and plagues will perhaps succeed since human reasoning has failed. Religion allows these people the comforts and safety of their delusions as a cocoon away from the anxiety and fear caused by dealing with reality, which can be harsh. Unfortunately, people in this delusional cocoon make really stupid decisions so we’re probably all going to die.

    Often when bacterial populations with limited space and infinite glucose supplies are left to their own, they pollute and pollute and population grows exponentially until suddenly the pollution is too much and nearly all of them die. Glucose = oil; petri dish = earth; colony collapse in a petri dish = 7.99 billion people suddenly dying.

    If some horrible disease like bird flu suddenly killed 4 billion people, perhaps AI could swoop down from the metaphorical cloud and help humanity manage resources in time to stop us from all dying, but probably it’s too late for even that.

    (When you hear Elon Musk say people need to populate the planet even more, I think he knows what is about to happen and is taking the rational position that fleeing earth is the best option for survival and it will be hard to flee earth is everyone is so scared of death they stop working. So his message of “everything is fine, let’s increase the population and also thereby pollution even more” is dishonest, but highly rational. I don’t know if this is actually what he thinks. His hostility towards trans people also seems strange so I suppose it’s possible he is that illogical, but his response to that may be a result of a lack of empathy caused by severe autism, whereas telling people to keep increasing their numbers may be a rational lie so he can increase the likelihood of fleeing earth prior to planetary collapse.)

    A certain subset of people have given up on trying to convince people of anything or do anything, figuring it’s like arguing with the sun rising and setting and that planetary biosphere collapse is just an inevitable part of nature. Others set themselves on fire to warn people, some people hold cardboard signs and gather and chant and think that will change capitalist societies and wake people up from the delusions of religions, deprogramming people through signs held up by large numbers of people. A lot of people are aware on some level, but don’t like to feel existential dread and so they just sort of ignore it.