Fixed the graphic for them:
I am the journeyer from the valley of the dead Sega consoles. With the blessings of Sega Saturn, the gaming system of destruction, I am the Scout of Silence… Sailor Saturn.
Fixed the graphic for them:
Stop stop I can only update my priors so fast!
Sure is weird how all the people distrustful of ideologies have an ideology.
‘Many of the groups that we are concerned about disappearing – gay couple couples, lesbian couples – from a traditional organs-bumping-together standpoint, can’t have kids… that are genetically both of theirs,’ says Simone.
No no they’re super smart and unless we come up with some sort of way for gay people to have children they’ll disappear entirely (gay people of course first came to earth from space in the year 1952, but the starship’s egg chambers were damaged in the crash landing)
The article says in a couple parts that this couple claims to be pro-LGBT rights. This could not be farther from the truth, at least for the T part. They speculated on one of their podcasts that trans people exist because of anime avatars, and also derided trans people as “the priest class of urbanism”.
FYI previous discussions here about the Collins couple (there’s no quota or anything, just if you want to read more comments):
Oh sure when an AI messed up your files it’s all “good job AI” and “you’re so clever AI”! But when I, a human, does it everyone’s like “Did you write another bug that wipes the drive?” and “you’re fired”.
Open Phil generally seems to be avoiding funding anything that might have unacceptable reputational costs for Dustin Moskovitz
“reputational cost” eh? Let’s see Mr. Moskovitz’s reasoning in his own words:
But I do want agency over our grants. As much as the whole debate has been framed (by everyone else) as reputation risk, I care about where I believe my responsibility lies, and where the money comes from has mattered. I don’t want to wake up anymore to somebody I personally loathe getting platformed only to discover I paid for the platform. That fact matters to me.
I cannot control what the EA community chooses for itself norm-wise, but I can control whether I fuel it.
I’ve long taken for granted that I am not going to live in integrity with your values and the actions you think are best for the world. I’m only trying to get back into integrity with my own.
If you look at my comments here and in my post, I’ve elaborated on other issues quite a few times and people keep ignoring those comments and projecting “PR risk” on to everything.
I feel incapable of being heard correctly at this point, so I guess it was a mistake to speak up at all and I’m going to stop now.[Sorry I got frustrated; everyone is trying their best to do the most good here] I would appreciate if people did not paraphrase me from these comments and instead used actual quotes.
again, beyond “reputational risks”, which narrows the mind too much on what is going on here
“PR risk” is an unnecessarily narrow mental frame for why we’re focusing.
Yes but if I donate to Lightcone I can get a T-shirt for $1000! A special edition T-shirt! Whereas if I donated $1000 to Archive Of Our Own all I’d get is… a full sized cotton blanket, a mug, a tote bag and a mystery gift.
Holy smokes that’s a lot of words. From their own post it sounds like they massively over-leveraged and have no more sugar daddies so now their convention center is doomed (yearly 1 million dollar interest payments!); but they can’t admit that so are desperately trying to delay the inevitable.
Also don’t miss this promise from the middle:
Concretely, one of the top projects I want to work on is building AI-driven tools for research and reasoning and communication, integrated into LessWrong and the AI Alignment Forum. […] Building an LLM-based editor. […] AI prompts and tutors as a content type on LW
It’s like an anti-donation message. “Hey if you donate to me I’ll fill your forum with digital noise!”
But I think he was also really early to understanding a lot of harms that have bit by bit started to materialize.
So what harms has Mr. Yudkowski enumerated? Off the top of my head I can remember:
Ah yes, the journal of intelligence:
First, Kanazawa’s (2008) computations of geographic distance used Pythagoras’ theorem and so the paper assumed that the earth is flat (Gelade, 2008). Second, these computations imply that ancestors of indigenous populations of, say, South America traveled direct routes across the Atlantic rather than via Eurasia and the Bering Strait.
In their defense you have to make money to spend money on castles
Asking students to pay good money for LLM slop is bold.
Also did the press release really need a generative image? “Ah yes, this image will make my press release look nice and professional and reassure the audience that AI is being used with due care.”
Of neriacular latin to: an evoolitun on nance langusages.
Nanolu.age languga, Lgugar lanilan, pachnans, NlbN, Latolcean, Framen, ArpianhCATifN, Dvnutalmnk’s, Sgiaiviaesgn, Italian, Ioveimneilaeiawepoew, Pfowchance -> Vullaq Luainles, Leawenowas, Laohaixisahh Aimwyvrnestrattidn, Frooidangs $Chha
Someone looked at the 10,000 year old dragon in body of thirteen year old trope and thought “wait wait! I can make that worse!”
whatever rot13ed word they used for cult.
It’s impossible to read a post here without going down some weird internet rabbit hole isn’t it? This is totally off topic but I was reading the comments on this old phyg post, and one of the comments said (seemingly seriously):
It’s true that lots of Utilitarianisms have corner cases where they support action that would normally considered awful. But most of them involve highly hypothetical scenarios that seldom happen, such as convicting an innocent man to please a mob.
And I’m just thinking, riight highly hypothetical.
Wait that’s a strategy? I thought Mr. Musk was just in a sort of perpetual horny/lonely mid-life crisis mode or something like that.
Some innocent people died so it’s sad stuff, but I can’t get past the fact that they named a top heavy weirdly balanced yacht the Bayesian.
Well on the bright side naval engineers will be able to update their drivers priors after this perfectly engineered unsinkable sink sa–
“This boat had definite shortcomings that kind of uniquely made it vulnerable to what happened.”
“people would take photos of it constantly because it was so crazy-looking in comparison to other boats.”
Philipp Luke, a Dutch naval architect, started violently shaking his head. “No, no, no,” he said. “You don’t do that.”
“When I first saw this, I couldn’t believe it,” said Mr. Roberts, the naval architect. “It made no sense to me.”
“Technology moved on,” Mr. Costantino said.
not much emphasis on boring normal “L” and “G”
“Look I’m not really saying G-word and L-word are normal, but I might be willing to invite them to my BBQs if they never mention it, hate rainbows, and allow straight people to cut in line ahead of them as a civic duty.”
Also wait is not even “B” ‘normal’ enough for this guy?
Help an unaligned cigar smoking super boss baby got out in Chicago and put that baby’s spell on me to force me to work at a paperclip factory :(