But what’s her weird habit? Can’t leave us hanging like this.
But what’s her weird habit? Can’t leave us hanging like this.
Looks like the wheels would come off pretty easily.
I wonder whether humans have evolved a fascination with vehicles. Like, thinking carts and chariots were cool made it more likely for your village to survive or for an individual specifically to reproduce.
I don’t think it’s cynical. Their review model would make it very hard to make payment fair (we call always argue about whether Steam overcharges for its services) since it would be a pain in the butt to track income from advertisement.
But the advertisement business model makes for worse games. I think it makes great sense for Steam to ban them. And if games on Steam are better then that’s good for game developers that use their platform.
How would Steam get paid for their services if all your income was from ads?
No no no, just wear headphones at all times and also a smart watch and keep the smartphone in your bum bag /s Conversational interfaces definitely understand what you are saying and asking for.
Sounds like you are allergic to dairy?
Didn’t invertebrates make it onto land way before fishies?
Tbf they also target white supremacist organisations within the US.
Where’s the dick and where’s the prostate
Both are full so it reduces the amount of cold air that can escape when you open them.
Is it only voiced in one language? Just switch language and read the subtitles.
🍑🍆 <- ideograms?
I think that here it is because there are multiple people running the account and they sign with an initial.
Wasn’t this a compromise that allows speech? Babies can drink and breathe at the same time.
Someone did the math for photosynthetic cows and they would only get about 1% of their energy requirement. It’s not viable.
Egg laying hips
Dying of thirst because someone botched an update that was automatically pushed overnight.
Can you spell in all of them?
So someone with a fear of flying in an ad for air travel? Nice. Feels like a metaphor for capitalism. Maybe more of a literal description than a metaphor.
Thanks tho! 🏆