• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Maybe don’t think that much about it. Just enjoy the time with your comrade. Friendship can develop between comrades but also can relationships. Watching films together can develop in each of those things. But don’t force yourself into a certain thinking. Don’t think “only friendship, nothing else”, this makes you nervous and also act more awkward.

    Just look forward to watch great series, movies and animes. And I also can recommendate two films: Sibirade and How the steel was tempered. The later one is great to watch together, a great soviet movie and will also maybe your problem - In won’t spoiler. And it is also a great way to have a great talk about the Russian revolution.

  • His analysis regarding Hitler and fascist germany is peak stupidity, way more absurd then all those guys from the Frankfurter Schule. Psychoanalysis is not scientific. While it was kind of revolutionary at a certain point, today it is nothing more then quackery.

    The only one who was more “special” is Wilhelm Reich. Before he started to believe in esoteric stuff, he had very interesting ideas and observations regarding fascism and Hitler. To summarize it a bit: Reactionaries are against sex. They want to make it strict. How you have sex and with whom. Also the kind of relationship you have. Communism is different, there is good sex, peak sexual freedom. This was the centre of his entire thinking.

    Similar things go for all those other dudes. They all had their special fetish. If it wasn’t centred somehow around sex, then it went esoteric or into full pessimism and they became reactionary. Nothing marxistic about them.

    Jürgen Habermas is still alive btw.

  • No, this is dont what I meant. I wanted to say, that it shouldn’t be important. If you say, that possible friends should have similar political views, than you will overlook other nice people. It should just not be that important, I think. Sometimes you meet a possible friend, which is not that political but also not a chauvinist. Some are also totally fixated onto a activity which you also like.

    I made the experience, that if you like someone and get along, you will also be able to talk about political stuff with that person. A friend of mine comes from quite bourgeois household, is not chauvinistic but also never asked herself some political questions. And since we understand each other good, wife could talk a little bit political and there was no repulsion when I mentioned Marx, Engels or Lenin. Rather interest.

    My wife was not political at all. She even had some chauvinistic prejudice towards some people, which were the result of her shitty environment. Today she enjoys read Lenin. Just dont narrow yourself into a corner, otherwise you wild miss the opportunity to meet good people.

  • I honestly dont really know, because never had more then two friend at a single time. Through political work I was able to met people. Common interests were mostly things like programming. The more focused in IT, the better in my case. This way I could make one or two friends.

    Some people are trying to choose possible friends depending on their political views. I am not doing it and advice against to do so. You wouldn’t get along with a chauvinistic person anyway. Also dont agitate. If political talk encounters, than feel free to have a friendly talk, but that’s all.

    Tbh it is a little bit like if you ask how to find a partner. You find one maybe through work or hobbies, but never be focused to find one, just do your think.

    Its only my experience however, other have probably made different experience’s, which are also valid.

  • Would there be much of a difference in the modern world?

    At least regarding the languages you speak it makes a difference. I swear, that the usage of “liberal” is nothing I find very often in marxist discussions or writings in german. Otherwise I would not ask this questions, which also got already answered.

    In german this writing from Mao is translated as “Gegen den Liberalismus”, created in the late 30s. Few years ago Thälmann still almost always mentuoned bourgeois, but not liberal that much. This where my question came from. Simply using now “liberal” probably makes sense in the english speaking world. But at least where I live it is not common to use it in that way.

    • all liberal societies, etc, are bourgeois

    • not all bourgeois societies/arrangements are liberal

    • liberalism is the dominant bourgeois form

    I totally agree with this! This is how I understood it.

    • the US has no reason to distinguish liberalism from other political economies or ideologies because bourgeois liberalism is presented as the only option (and bourgeois seem to believe that capitalism is the only option without any question)

    • the English-speaking internet is dominated by US platforms, media, and people

    • English speakers mostly hear the US usage, meaning the US usage is common

    I understood it now. First time I encountered the SLS subreddit I was kind of confused. Like, why are things labeled as liberal, when a party or country is not liberal. But how you explained it, it makes sense.

    Your English is good, btw. It’s definitely good enough to explain what you mean about liberal/bourgeois. The fact that you have been misunderstood is not because of your English. I think it is because of the exact problem that you have identified—the confusion between liberal/bourgeois.

    Thank you for your compliment. I understand it now better thanks to you all. Great to have a place to ask questions and receive friendly answers!

  • Maybe I formulated my question not good enough and should stick more to DeepL.

    I asked, why in english social media, especially in marxist places, people talk about liberals and I also explained why it sounds odd to me if I translate it into the language I mostly use - and english is not part of it. Also I told which word is used instead. So can I just translate “liberal party” to “bourgeois party” aka “bürgerliche Partei” like it would be said here and back?

  • I already explained it. The german writings of Marx mention something as “bourgeois” by the word “bürgerlich”. It is a total normal german word, it is widley used, like in political context not only in marxist spheres. Look here

    Liberal and capitalist, in my personal opinion, are more exact descriptions of what we have, as an apologist and economic class… in the Anglophone world…

    Also if you are discussing the character of fascist Germany, do you say then something like:“Fascist Germany was liberal in its core but different in the outside compared to the USA”?

    “bourgeois”, to me, has a connotation of the precursor of the capitalist class, being little smol beans living in towns (burghs), during medieval times… literally as a ‘middle’ class

    They obviously don’t carry this title anymore, do they

    Hmm, not for me tbh. They have precursors ideend. But my understand is mostly like that of Marx and Engels:

    By bourgeosie is meant the class of modern capitalists, owners of the means of social production and employers of wage labour.

    Funfact I learned now: Bobo is listened as an abbreviation for bourgeoisie on Wiktionary. I will remember this. Gulagtime for the Bobo.

  • Tbh, bourgeois as the frech word itself I only use if I speak russian, there is no alternative. Soeaking german I use the word which was and it is still used.

    The bourgeois society used by Marx as “bürgerliche Gesellschaft” has the same correctness today and is widely used. “Bürgerliche Partei” - bourgeois party - and “Liberalle Partei” - liberal party, have different meaning and are used in its different meaning by marxists and also non-marxists.

    I remember when a local newspaper wrote an article with the headline translated:“The abyss of a bourgeois marriage”, and in the comments people were hurt why especially “bourgeois marriage” lol.

    Important for me is just to know how to handle these words in english. Liberal = bourgeois here? If I say that something is bourgeois, am I understood than? Or do I need to name it liberal?

    The outing thing is important, you are right.

  • Yes, meaning of words change. But I live in a place, where liberal is mostly used if it is meant as it is by definition.

    I personally think that the usage of words in the context of marxist discussions has be correct, if it is of course one. But even the in english speaking spheres it is almost all about liberal here and there. And this is what confuses me, because I can’t understand it well. I only encounter it in english speaking social media.

    The most stupid think that immigrated to the political language ductus in Germany is “tanky” btw.

  • Linux Kernel provides more security techniques than Windows indeed, but they need to be used. To point out CVEs is kind of stupid. The Linux kernel never commited any entries to the CVE database for years, they started since February 2024 doing so, because they gave up on their opposition. They warned, if they do this now, the databases will get flooded with CVEs. Because in the kernel context, every bug counts as a security problem, if you look at it from the right perspective. This is a difference to Windows CVEs.

    Of course this is great for those CVEs database providers because they now can sell their stuff happily.

    What you need are not CVE entries for the Linux Kernel, but the latest supported Linux Kernel installed.

    And srsly: Antivirus is snake oil. Using software with Administrator rights in Windows or even Linux, which parses every file, is fucking dangerous. It is usable on a mailserver, where the antivirus process is containerised or virtualized.

    And what is the point with firewalls I read here? The most distros have firewalls enabled. When were they not there? Iptables was always there and I had to configure it, so I could allow or disallow incoming traffic. I almost never had to install it manually.

  • I did it few times between 2008 and 2010 when I was way younger. Idk how I did it, but after two times I was used to it and learned also a lot. Today I don’t have the nerves to install arch without archinstall or anarchy. The wiki helped me a lot. The wiki gives an excellent guide to install arch and to set up everything you need. It is well written enough, that no deep Linux knowledge is needed

    The archlinux wiki is great for everything. I used it when I had Fedora, Debian or sometimes if I used OpenBSD.