consume. you will be happy. just consume more. you need these things. consume. fuck the environment. consume. you will not be good enough without our product. consume. wrap yourself in the narratives we create about who you are by buying or not buying our product, subsume your understand of the world under the one we give you, prostrate yourself upon the altar of pseudo corporate idolatry, consume. consume consume consume.
I feel like there’s a disconnect between “crime” and building communities of mutual aid, respect, and love. Also there’s an irony in focusing on the qualitative nature of property values in this kind of space? Regardless, the vast majority “crime” doesn’t really help anyone–stealing someone’s bike for resale is shitty, shoplifting from a local store is shitty (and tbh even the big ones bc then they pull out of the neighborhood, leaving us w/o a pharmacy), and tagging stuff up is a shitty exercise in ego-boosting. IDk, I think people have a right to feel safe in their communities no matter the affordability of housing