you’re now pretending as if you knew what an implication is the whole time
Since you don’t understand what an implication is
I understand what an implication is.
I don’t understand how you don’t get it
I do get what you’re trying to say.
Can I suggest expressing what you’re trying to communicate explicitly, using prose.
“It’s unlikely Trump would try to please Putin”
Those words aren’t present in the article.
intentionally attacking civilian targets
Uhh… there’s nothing in the article to suggest they intentionally attacked civilian targets, at least from my reading.
You doing OK?
How on Earth did the woman “uncover” a mass grave? No details at all in the article. Typical BBC crap.
the surgery scars did not heal well
UAV’s have been critical in fighting as the underdog against a much larger force.
There’s no way for us here to know whether that’s because of or in spite of this man.
There’s a gay Vulcan character in the New Frontier book series (U.S.S. Excalibur). From what I recall, there were no social issues but the guy’s father disapproved due to “a waste of good genetic material” :-)
Looks like it, thanks.
Why they surrendered in groups, not laying down their lives like their peers at Kursk Bulge?
Indeed, why? Excellent question. Keep asking, you may gain some insight, Mr. Sladkov.
until fossil fuels are replaced
LOL they still think if we just switch from petrol to electric cars, everything will go back to the way it was.
One in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Why am I reading posts by investors in a Monero community?
The Independent will be revealing its Climate 100 List in September and hosting an event in New York … The list is a roll call of those … who are committed to the fight against the climate crisis.
LOL they still don’t get it. Fighting climate change is meaningless. We’re not going back to the way things were. What we need to be fighting is the effects of mass starvation, mass migration, the breakdown of civilisation, loss of knowledge and the shock of transitioning to a low-technology world.
They don’t need to be taxed more, they need to have their wealth confiscated
FYI, the state confiscating wealth is referred to as ‘tax’.
LOL we fucked then.