still treats autism as a mental health condition
Wait what? What is autism if not a mental health condition?
still treats autism as a mental health condition
Wait what? What is autism if not a mental health condition?
The majority of the population aren’t able to employ critical thinking and are just easily lead towards shitty decisions.
But… but… democracy!
Too far
What are you doing out of your tankie cage, trying to interact with normal people? Get back! Back I say!
Are you able to provide references to some of that?
Language evolves
Some language does. The word “granite” means the same now as it did in 1900. Same with “sky” and “goat” and “glass”. And “working class”.
Those reasons aren’t known
What makes you think that?
The migrants are typically arriving illegally and don’t want the attention of interviews.
The migrants depart as well as arrive. I find it hard to believe that the media has no knowledge whatsoever of what kind of motives these people have. If they didn’t have such knowledge, I would expect them to at least state that the motives are unknown. Instead what I find is just a void of any mention of motivations whatsoever, to the point that it gives the appearance of an intentional blackout. Hence my question: why?
Greece, and say that there’s extremely high unemployment there
I think we’re talking about different phenomena here. This is the kind of thing I’m talking about, which isn’t Greek citizens looking for work:
I’m not sure what you mean by "direct"ing you to a diet.
“Eat low amounts of carbohydrates in a plant-based diet.” Is that direction enough?
Any evidence to back up what you’re saying?
I see. Nevermind :-)
As the language has evolved, the term working class just doesn’t mean what it used to.
I disagree.
The term “working class” means someone whose income is based entirely on selling their labour. It’s nothing to do with job security or social security and never has been. The term is not outdated, it is as relevant as ever.
A high carbohydrate and so high insulin-producing plant-based diet certainly isn’t healthy for me.
What about a low carbohydrate plant-based diet?
formerly working class
Just curious why you refer to the poor people you’re talking about as “formerly” working class?
because the reason varies from migrant to migrant
I don’t see why varying reasons for getting in boats justifies not reporting on those reasons.
Usually there will be a line or two in the report about … possibly why
I’ve never seen such a line. Can you provide a reference to one?
someone who isn’t in a position to be interviewed
What do you mean by this?
I’m talking about news media, to be clear. I presumed “report” would make that clear. I’ve edited the post title to add the word “news”.
Damned sneaky Ukrainian military installations in journalists’ homes.
Or raise awareness to the criminal exploitation migrants suffer to just get a position on the boats
No, I’ve seen plenty of reporting on that. Never on the reasons they’re trying to get a position in the first place though.
Media gets paid billions to talk shit about migrants.
Eh? By whom?
destroy the planet
We’re not destroying the planet, we’re destroying our offspring (and those of many other species). The planet will still be covered in life after we’re gone.
Ah I see, thanks