Thoughts intrusive, ass protrusive, trans inclusive

Things people have claimed I work for, on the payroll, or are some kind of propaganda agent.

Russian bot: 11

Chinese Communist Party: 12

Central Intelligence Agency: 11

Democrat Party/DNC: 9

Republican Party: 6

Bernie Bro: 9

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • She thought that the group of trans people that run 196 was somehow enabling transphobia and other horrid things when we constantly removed it.

    And when we removed it, she said it was better for communication if kept things up to show the idiots.

    And then when I kept it up, she got mad at me for not instantly banning and removing them.

    Like everything 196 does was inherently a master plan where we messed with all users just for her.

    She’s banned because she constantly went “I can’t wait to leave this place” and never did. So I left the ban note along the lines of “If you want to leave, you can. You’re not, you’re harassing users and defending tankies, so take this time to breath some air.”

    • Freeing Mexican citizens locked in cages at the border, but has in fact increased the numbers according to the ACLU, and now limiting the numbers of who can come in like fascist Trump wanted
    • The COVID pandemic is still ongoing, we’re just ignoring it while I’ve had friends die from it after it was “over” according to the CDC. Also removing the 14 day expected leave for it to improve companies fucking over sick and healthy workers alike the economy
    • Roe v Wade being reinstated, for the party that “cares about women’s rights”.
    • Minimum Wage increases (Yes Congress is in charge of the purse, but can he say “please fucking do it so everyone has better income?”)
    • Ran on trying to stop cops from shooting innocent civilians, but in his first State of the Union said “We don’t need to defund the police, we need to fund the police!” to bipartisan roaring applause. I know he has a fucking cop as a VP, but god damn.
    • And he’s not doing anything to stop Project 2025 from getting into place if Trump wins.
    • Could maybe consider giving new arms to Ukraine and stop funding explicit genocide in Palestine.
    • Didn’t help the unions during the rail strikes give into the demands for better worker safety and benefits, blocking it like how Reagan blocked the FAA from striking for safety and benefits
    • Still allows Trump-era expansions of spying agencies, that was made public under “constitutional lawyer and defender” Obama, and instated under Dubya.

    But we don’t have the President saying stupid shit on Twitter every day, so I guess that means we’re back to a sane normal, or whatever white cishet liberals need to say to sleep well at night. Ignore the bloodshed of BIPOC and queers, women and their doctors fleeing red states over being arrested for bodily autonomy, and that white nationalists just goosestep freely because its not respectable to tell fascists to fuck off and die, it doesn’t impact you, so it’s all sane politics and electable!

  • So he made a promise he couldn’t keep. He didn’t try to win over the members in congress, or talk about it publicly why it’s the fault of Republicans, and not him.

    That’s a cool guy. Remember when FDR just did nothing in Congress to push for Social Security? Or Minimum Wage? That was so cool of him. I especially don’t remember him making any fireside chats to the public talking about what would best for America and how you can help it.