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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Because most protests are about making the lives of normal people miserable until they’re pissed enough to hold someone to task.

    Are the Tories gonna care that Stonehenge was dusted, from in their mansions? Most of them would love to dig up the stones and use them as new countertops, simply as a bragging point at their parties. But normal people that care about landmarks like these will be pissed and, maybe, bitch to the government.

  • Many people have given you answers of varying lengfhs, so I feel free to ask my counter-question…

    You say you had int() and float() but would do you assume would happen if you had just replaced ‘input(Who are you?)’ with ‘int(7)’? What value would be assigned to name if the statement was ‘nam = int(7)’?

    Following the logic you’re espousing in the OP, ‘nam’ would be equal to the string “int(7)” and the print statement would output “Welcome int(7)”. Either you understand why that wouldn’t be the case and should see why your original example works. Or you don’t and you should double check your understanding of functions and keep tapping people here for help.

  • qarbone@lemmy.worldtoRPGMemes @ttrpg.networkLegal loophole
    7 months ago

    I’m not really looking to get into fantasy legal dispute, but I will say that you are debating the count without even touching the core of what I said: the terms of the sentencing. Being sentenced to death is like being sent to prison. If you step in and then juke out, you can’t say “prison sentence over”.

    We don’t specify term limits here because it’s typically not a place you come back from.

  • qarbone@lemmy.worldtoRPGMemes @ttrpg.networkLegal loophole
    8 months ago

    The punishment is a sentence of death. Not “being killed”. You are to be placed in the state of death for the crime. That’s why you don’t get to walk away if a lethal method fails. You can keep reviving them, but they’ll be incarcerated and killed again until it sticks. And I’ll put the rest of the party in contempt of court for attempting to subjorn lawful punishment.