They don’t care about us, world wide. Security and protection is just a carrot dangled in our faces to make us work for them. Life is war.
They don’t care about us, world wide. Security and protection is just a carrot dangled in our faces to make us work for them. Life is war.
That’s the point I’m making, it’s not about YOU, you are not the child being born. Your opinion doesn’t matter to the kid being born.
I’m still disappointed he’s not an actual llama.
They won’t think it was suicide if I keep drinking bottled water.
For real. And now I feel like people are either extremely stupid or just monsters for having kids.
Humanity is wasted. Its wild that I think I might actually favor a humanity ending natural disaster over continuing whatever the fuck humans are doing now.
It kinda looks like a grave yard…
This is so true, lol. And it’s just like America to attach sex to everything little miniscule thing. If they weren’t serious it would be comical.
Another thing. Sex/nudity is only okay in media. Anything goes when it’s sold mainstream, but if you have kink… Bam! You automatically a pervert, and if your are gay, your a pedophile rapist pervert.
And what wild is they create these people they hate. These sexual deviances probably wouldn’t happen if America wasn’t so prudish in real life. There’s such a a dissonance in terms of sexuality, nudity, media and reality.
Waiting for this to happen. I’ve been locked inside my room depressed and not even doing anything fun or entertaining just knowing that I have a deadline on something. I can’t even have fun when I waste time. On top of it, I haven’t done the regular stuff I need to do because of that other thing weighing on my mind. That deadline broke me.
No one wants to be america. People want to be human beings that are able live as human beings. People don’t want to be pawns to a machine that sucks humanity and souls from living bodies.
As an American I kind of agree.
We put on a great show though for awhile. Glad everyone’s seeing Americas fake. Regardless of trump, America’s human rights were/are pay to play.
I think it’s time to call it USA/RU interference.
You’d have to be incredibly stupid to want starlink.
Even if it’s the only option, it shouldn’t be considered an option.
Edit: since I’m not educated I put this in chatgpt and write it better.
Here’s your rewritten version with improved grammar, clarity, and flow while maintaining the original meaning:
The whole purpose of what’s happening now is to drive America’s working class into poverty, allowing the wealthy elite to buy up everything and exploit us even further. Instead of just gentrifying towns and cities, they are gentrifying the nation as a whole.
Open-minded individuals will be consolidated into specific areas like Los Angeles and New York City, where political war games will target them until these regions collapse. All it would take is another biological weapon, like COVID, to accelerate the process. Meanwhile, the media plays a crucial role in creating a society that consumes itself—from rap music glorifying violence and drug dealing within communities to mainstream entertainment promoting a hollow sense of virtue that lacks authenticity.
Take DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) as an example. It often promotes a manufactured, marketable image of race and sexual orientation, making it difficult for genuine individuals within those communities to fit in unless they conform to that image. But this isn’t just about DEI—it’s about marketing in general. The system creates narrow, controlled lifestyles that make people easier to manipulate on a large scale. This is why both the political right and left have become ineffective; they’ve fallen victim to the same tactics.
Meanwhile, the working class and poor will be consolidated into separate areas, making them even easier to control.
We’ve seen this strategy before. In the late '80s, '90s, and 2000s, society was manipulated into believing they were expressing individuality by consuming mass-produced goods—when in reality, culture was being consolidated into a single category: consumers. That method has been exhausted, and now a new approach is being deployed. (A great documentary on this is The Century of Self by Adam Curtis.)
This strategy isn’t just happening in America; it can be applied on a global scale—consolidating people into specific nations and manipulating them accordingly.
We are in a world war. Life itself is a war. And most of humanity has traded its true nature for a false sense of security, numbing themselves with mindless consumption. This detachment from reality makes it easier for those in power to manipulate entire populations, to the point that many never truly experience what it means to exist as a human being.
The whole point of what’s going on now IS to make America’s working class poor so rich players of the game can buy up everything and bleed us even more. Gentrifying the nation as a whole instead of just towns and cities.
Open minded people will be consolidated to separate areas. Like LA and NYC and then political war games will prey on these areas until they collapse. All they need is another biological weapon like COVID. Also using media to produce a society that eats itself like rap music glorifying violence and drug dealing against their own community and pop entertainment glorifying surface-virtuosity that has no substance or real genuism behind it. For example DEI promoting a marketed image of races and sexual orientation so that genuine people of those cultures don’t fit in unless they become that image. I use marketed dei as an example but really it’s marketing in general… The last paragraph in my post. They create narrow minded images or lifestyles to corral people and make them more easy to manipulate on a larger scale. That’s why the right and left political parties are basically useless now, they became victims of this method.
Working class and poor will be consolidated to another area.
And at that point the people will be easier to control.
The same way society was manipulated in the late 80s, 90s, and 00s to believe they were building individuality by consuming mass produced goods that consolidated culture into one group, consumers. They manipulated us like that and that method had been used up. (A good documentary about this is The Century of Self by Adam Curtis.)
All this can be scale on a world scale as well. Consolidating people to a specific nation and manipulating that nation.
We are in a world war. Life IS a world war. And most of humanity traded their humanity for a false sense of protection and the ability to escape the fact that life is war by being able to mindlessly consume products that further their separation from reality while other people in powerful positions manipulate their entire existence to the point some people never even experience what it genuinely means to exist as a human being.
They are all playing the same BS game. The country is criminal scheme.
I second this. America is an enemy of humanity in multiple ways. Our culture is a culture of materialist escapism and our people are indoctrinated to be pawns for an ignorant machine of an evil force that manipulates and uses humanity as fuel.
Ops right, our food really is trash.