I used the names of the eldrazi from magic the gathering:
Ulamog: desktop PC Emrakul: NAS / Plex server name Kozilek: NUC mini PC
I used the names of the eldrazi from magic the gathering:
Ulamog: desktop PC Emrakul: NAS / Plex server name Kozilek: NUC mini PC
I actually made a great setup for retro gaming at home. I have my Linux PC connected to a KVM over LAN to the living room TV. Hyprland lets me set keybinds to run scripts to turn off my computer monitors, turn on the TV, switch audio (still working out a few kinda with audio actually), and then launch emulationstation-DE which is a front end for launching the games on each emulator.
It’s great running everything on a PC with decent specs, I have a 5800x and 6700 XT. It can do all the old games obviously, and up to PS3 and switch games, upscaled to 4K and with a bangin audio system.
Surprisingly, there’s very little latency issues or lag over the kvm. Or if there are I can’t notice them.
It might be worth a go to play the handheld ones on my phone however. Playing GBA and DS games on my big living room TV seems a bit silly haha
Is this windows only or is there a Linux variant? Maybe running it through proton?
Also, I get why a legal copy of American wasteland is required for legal reasons. But that game came out in 2005 (apparently for windows I learned today). Where am I even supposed to buy it if I wanted to, which I don’t really, and can I just use a PS2 iso file?
Not gonna lie, I struggle to remember to even respond to all my texts
I’m from Pittsburgh and fr fuck this guy. His stance on Israel has been consistent, it just took major events for him to double down. He has done some real questionable shit in the past, like chase down a black jogger with a shotgun then cite “anxiety” for the reason.
The “issues” he’s ignoring that he campaigned on were like “epic hoody man legalizes weed”. It just sucks our choices were between him and fucking dr. Oz
Oh my god who gives a shit
I’ve been trying to get xemu working on Linux with no luck. I just wanna play fable 2 lol