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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Nothing we can do about idiots that believe everything they’re told. I doubt their government actually stated that these economic sanctions would bring Russia to its knees, that was probably sensationalist media reporting that the gullible in the general populace ate up without using a brain cell to consider the matter.

    The sanctions are mostly doing their job, Russia’s economy is being kept at this level thanks to decisions that help in the short term but will have disastrous consequences long term.

    Anything can happen of course, but as things stand unless they’re bailed out in a big way in the long term by becoming an economic vassal of say, China, they’ve got big problems on the horizon. Thanks in great part to the sanctions of the USA and of course ourselves in Europe.

  • I adore this website! So much! ❤️

    Lots of people have issues with the concept of voting based on policies, for valid real world reasons,

    but this survey does a great job of making you sit down for the better part of a hour to compare all the high-level policy promises and weigh then against each other, and at the end giving you an idea of which party at least claims to be more your cup of tea.

    It’s an educational tool, and a way to get the brain working and thinking about the election a little differently.

    Will I vote for who I got in my results? That’s between me and my ballot, but I certainly found the results eye opening! :-)