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Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • you attacked a person for being a bad example because they are struggling and not at rock bottom because people exist at the bottom.

    That’s not my intentions. I question her choices, but that doesn’t mean she has an option that would 100% fix her situation. It would probably be hard to find a 2-bedroom for $1500/mo and she’d still have over 50% of her paycheque going to housing.

    My concern is articles highlighting cases like this allow people to disregard the housing crisis as just people unwilling to tighten their belts. Like “stop eating avocado toast” or “cancel Disney+”, there’s no quick fix.

  • I’m pretty sure she’d be in the same situation in the US. Assuming the house was jointly owned and she had the ability to buy out her ex-Spouse’s equity or get the whole home in the divorce, there would still be a change of ownership, so she’d need to get a new mortgage solely in her name.

    I know I’ve heard of couples splitting up and coming up with creative solutions, like continuing to jointly own the house, but that doesn’t seem to be the case here.

  • I really hate these CBC articles where they talk about a huge, legitimate issue, but undercut it by choosing a crazy/unrelated example:

    Charmbury, 47, has to make sacrifices because 100 per cent of her income goes to her rent.

    She had to sell her house after her divorce and now pays $2,679 per month for a three-bedroom townhouse in the same neighbourhood. She didn’t want her children, a teen boy and teen girl, to have to switch schools or share a bedroom.

    So, she’s been cashing in her investments. Child support helps with the bills, her mother helps her with groceries and her friends give her their old clothes. She says she barely sleeps from the stress.

    Even 30 years ago, I had friends who had to change schools/share a room when their parents divorced. Putting someone who refuses to make tough decisions and try live within her means in the same category as adults who have to live with multiple roommates, face homelessness, etc. is insulting.

    Also, I’m pretty sure most would say child support is income, even if it’s not taxable income. She’s spending 100% of her employment income/paycheques on rent.

  • Russia and the US have committed war crimes in their invasions of Ukraine and Iraq respectively, but the general consensus is that their militaries are still not terrorist organizations.

    War Crimes != Terrorism. Some acts qualify as both, but words have meanings, and I think it’s important we recognize that. I don’t think the actions of the US in Iran would make a reasonable person say the US Military is a terrorist organization, though they are definitely harbouring some war criminals.

    I think the other thing is asking, what’s the value in labelling an organization? Telling your friend with a substance problem that they’re an addict/alcoholic might just drive them away and towards worse influences. Or telling off your toxic coworker might be cathartic, but it’ll probably just make the situation worse.

    PS I’m pretty sure labelling the IDF as “similarly abhorrent” isn’t very helpful.