“It makes me feel GREAT! Smarter. More aggressive.”
“It makes me feel GREAT! Smarter. More aggressive.”
…wikipedia’s editorial process trends toward unbiased information over time…
9.3 bits / 1:628.3
(ipadOS / safari)
…how do they quantify 3/10 of a bit?..
…it’s clearly a recently-filmed parody…
…or shadow of the demon lord…
…technically, it’s not not classified, it’s unclassified…
…does unclassified require something to have first been classified?..semantically, certainly, but technically i have no idea…
…there are at least three of us!..
…i thought little people lived in my parents’ radio and television who put on shows for us…
…you dad did very well; give him a hug this december…
…the f*ck is ‘US News News - Times Now’?..
…what about a battleship with turret-catapult A10 float planes?..
…i have this loosely-developed idea of replacing the d20 in OGL-derived systems with a 3d chain which scales with tiers of proficiency for a nice bell curve: 3d4 (untrained), 3d6 (proficient), 3d8 (expert), 3d10 (master), 3d12 (legendary), 3d16 (celestial), 3d20 (demigod), 3d24 (god), 3d30 (overgod)…
…if you don’t want to be called a facist, maybe stop being such a f*cking fascist, fascist…
…know what they called people who supported the nazi party despite disagreeing with some of its policies?..nazis…
…please keep to the right except to pass…
…in the background are impact!/goodman dice of unusual size; they just wrapped up a crowdfunding campaign to add matching d9, d11, d13, d15, d17, d18, d19, and d22 to the series…
…in the foreground are my chessex 2507 set circa 1992, which i’m sadly unable to match with any of their modern blue/indigo/violet production runs, hence the slightly-mismatched d6 + d20 update to a fifth-edition set of eleven dice…dedicated percentile dice were a new innovation at the time, produced only in white!..
…these look good!..i still regret having to sell off my playmates starships during the dot-com crash…