Lvxferre [he/him]

The catarrhine who invented a perpetual motion machine, by dreaming at night and devouring its own dreams through the day.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2024

  • Our US government would consider it anti-semitic not to use a nazi salute twice on stage in front of millions of people.

    I was almost going to mention Musk’s gesture as an example of how context dictates meaning, but removed it from my comment. Glad to see that someone else mentioned it though - that gesture can be only understood as a Nazi salute and as support to Nazism, nothing else.

    [I’m neither from Australia nor USA, but it’s clear that Australia got it right. Musk and his puppet, on the other hand…]

  • This is great stuff. I’ll add a few hints of my own.

    There’s no such thing as “global Lemmy admins”; there are the admins of your home instance (where you’re registered to) and the admins of the instance where you’re posting. It’s messier because each group will enforce different rules, but it also means that no group of arseholes can kick you completely out of Lemmy.

    If you’re a newcomer odds are that you don’t know which would be the best home instance for you. That’s completely OK - almost everyone was like this, including me. So if you don’t feel satisfied with your home instance, create a new account in another instance and migrate.

    Desktop users might benefit from the extension “Instance Assistant for Lemmy & Kbin” (Firefox link, Chrome link).

    App users: remember when Reddit had a whole rainbow of third party apps to choose from? Lemmy is like this: there’s Jerboa (the official one) but also Voyager, Mlem, Boost, and many others. Give this link a check, or just look for “Lemmy” in your app store.

  • This is so fucking stupid that I had to check other sources on what he said, to confirm it. (It does.)

    No, it is not just immoral, it’s also fucking stupid. Why would he get the Palestinians or the State of Israel pissed, if he can get both pissed at the same time? The State of Israel doesn’t see those lands as belonging to some banana maize republic dammit, it sees those lands as belonging to itself.

    inb4: “but Netanyahu said he was thinking outside the box with fresh ideas! That it’s unconventional thinking!”. Well, his reply is superficially polite (likely to avoid the offend the other Nazi’s precious-oh-so-precious ego), but it’s non-committing and can be easily understood as “this is crazy talk”.

    It gets worse. So far the State of Israel has been trying to masquerade the genocide against Palestinians as a self-defence war. Now with Trump suggesting ethnic genocide, more people will ask “wait a minute… isn’t that what Israel is doing already?” (Yes, it is.)

  • But…that’s exactly what’s happening

    Well, then based on what you guys (specially you) are saying, it’s old man screaming at cloud. Torvalds and/or Kroah-Hartman* will likely need to intervene, since as you said they approved it; this drama Martin is doing in social media is pretty much pointless.

    And if there’s a violation in the CoC it has zero to do with what he says (calling the R4L project “cancer”); it’s about obstructing other developers.

    I also just catch something from the post I didn’t notice before:

    As for how to move forward, if I were one of the Rust maintainers, I would just merge the patch

    Martin isn’t even relevant! He’s just for the popcorn, like the rest of us! Free kernel development popcorn!

    *speaking on Kroah-Hartman, do those changes proposed by the project affect the stable branch now?

  • I'll put this into spoilers to reduce clutter for the others, it's a big wall of metadiscussion.

    I am not a programmer. … I’m a random with a chimp avatar. … It’s just that [Hellwig] prioritises consistency (for the sake of maintainability)…

    Pick a side and stick to it.

    There’s no “two sides” here. I’m transparently saying that what I say should not be trusted, for those two reasons (1. not a programmer, 2. not in charge of this), and I’m still voicing my opinion on this matter, while focusing on other aspects of the discussion. Is this clear now?

    Note: one of those two reasons likely apply to everyone else here.

    You seem very keen to endorse Hellwig’s arguments

    If anything I could be blamed for the exact opposite - endorsing R4L. You don’t even need to read this comment to see it, the comment that you’re replying to is enough: “And if Hellwig cannot be convinced, the leadership can, and should.”

    Learn the difference between “talking about what others said” and “endorsing what others said”.

    despite not understanding them,

    Assumption: “not a programmer = unable to understand what’s going on”. I think that I showed well through this thread this is blatantly false.

    and also to emit words on the topic despite not having a qualified opinion

    Refer to the first paragraph.

    It’s also relevant to note that, most likely, nobody here has the “kwalifikashuns” to discuss this topic. Not even programmers - because odds are that nobody here is in a position to change anything about it.

    It sounds like you want me to not take you seriously

    Okay… so far, so good.

    (so that I won’t reply to you)

    *rolls eyes* assumption, again. Clearly assuming why I’m being dismissive towards you.

    It has zero to do with me not wanting to be taken seriously. It’s because you show blatant lack of basic reading comprehension, while still saying this “I’m docking you” cringe. For example, vomiting an info dump that does not contradict a single shred of what I said (as if it contradicted), or with a hypothetical that is clearly irrelevant (“if it was a slur” - it is not, period).

    Worth noting: nobody here has in a position to “dock lol” anyone else here.

    and also take you seriously (so that you are counted as part of the programming public.)


    Quoting Gaynor: [insert quote]

    Cool beans. And this does not contradict what I said, because contrariwise to what you are assuming = making shit up, I am not endorsing Hellwig’s view that Rust does not belong to the kernel, I am explaining his point of view while clearly saying “okay, Rust in the kernel seems fine, based on what people said here, but Martin is creating drama”.

    I couldn’t be arsed to read the rest of the text. Other users are able to provide information about Rust here, so I’m not missing anything, minus the cringe and assumptions.

    TL;DR: stop assuming.

  • Your position is entirely reasonable and an excellent example of how ignoring technical details leads to failures of technical leadership.

    That’s why I didn’t address the technical merits, like a leader should. (Nor I am a leader; I’m a random with a chimp avatar.) I focused on the “popcorn” / drama.

    [ Rust info dump ]

    Cool beans.

    What I’m saying is that Martin should be sharing this info, instead of creating drama.

    Because ultimately the goal of both sides is the same, a better kernel. It’s just that one prioritises consistency (for the sake of maintainability) and another the advantages of Rust over C, and those priorities are in conflict.

    And if Hellwig cannot be convinced, the leadership can, and should.

    Also, finally, I have to dock [to reduce wage from; to deduct points from] you for reading comprehension. Martin was quite clear: calling Rust a “cancer” […] was, to them, a violation of the Code.

    I’m saying that Martin has the moral obligation to make his complain as precise as possible: “The CoC says [insert excerpt] and Hellwig is going against that”. Telling people to RTFCoC is the opposite of that. Is this clear now?

    Also, this either is or isn’t a violation of the CoC. There’s no space for “to them”, rule violations should be handled as objectively as reasonably possible. (From a quick check, it doesn’t seem to be one. I might be wrong however.)

    a cute pun given Rust’s crab mascot, or a dehumanizing slur, who knows

    There’s no room for either reading, given that

    • Hellwig shows no interest on Rust, so references to the mascot are out-of-place
    • A project is not a human being.

    The immediate reading is as an analogy; cancer is known for spreading itself through tendrils, taking huge amounts of resources. If that reading is correct, Hellwig is criticising the project for not being well contained, and invading spaces that Hellwig believes that it shouldn’t.

    Another possible reading is “cancer” as “shit”, “crap”, or “rubbish”; a simple negative word.

    were it a slur, it would violate the prohibition on “insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks.”

    And were my cat a chicken, she would lay eggs. However my cat is not a chicken and “cancer” is not a slur.

  • I am not a programmer. If you showed me C code and called it Rust, or vice versa, I would probably not be able to tell the difference. As such I’m not going to focus on technical merits or demerits, I’ll focus on what people say.

    This is relevant:

    • [Danilo Krummrich] What does “your code” mean? Duplicated in every driver?
    • [Christoph Hellwig] Yes, interfaces to the DMA API should stay in readable C code and not in weird bindings so that it reminds greppable and maintainable.
    • [DK] Rust drivers shouldn’t use C APIs directly, but rather use an abstraction of the corresponding C API.
    • [CH] Don’t force me to deal with your shiny language of the day.
    • [DK] Again, no one asks you to deal with or maintain this piece of Rust code.
    • [CH] Maintaining multi-language projects is a pain I have no interest in dealing with. If you want to use something that’s not C, be that assembly or rust you write to C interfaces and deal with the impedence mismatch yourself as far as I’m concerned.
    • [DK] This is exactly what we’re doing and proposing here, isn’t it? // We wrote a single piece of Rust code that abstracts the C API for all Rust drivers, which we offer to maintain ourselves. // What else are you asking for?
    • [DK] Since there hasn’t been a reply so far, I assume that we’re good with maintaining the DMA Rust abstractions separately. // Hence, the next version of this patch series will have the corresponding maintainer entry.

    What I take from this interaction is that Hellwig is not really picking a bone against Rust; his main concern is introducing new languages into the kernel and reducing its maintainability. And IMO Krummrich’s answer up to the second-to-last reply was really great - addressing the complain by highlighting that C developers won’t need to bother with that chunk of Rust code. (That last reply was awful, though.)

    Based on this interaction I think that I agree with 5714 in this thread, that Hellwig might be overreaching.

    So far, so good. What Hector Martin is doing there is something else. He is not selling the merits of the project Rust4Linux, he’s simply creating drama, by distorting Hellwig’s position from “don’t bring new languages into the kernel” into some sort of personal crusade against Rust.

    And it’s rather “curious” how he brings up the CoC as some sort of rubber stick to bash people with, but omits which part of the CoC Hellwig would allegedly have violated.

    [@raulinbonn] @marcan He does use the proper name shortly afterwards, but calling it “the another language” instead of just Rust sounds already quite loaded and belittling really. As if trying not to even acknowledge its proper name and existence.

    Relevant tidbit: “the another language” sounds like a word-by-word translation from German “die andere Sprache”. It doesn’t really sound dismissive in German (Hellwig is clearly a German speaker.)

    “As if trying not to even acknowledge its proper name and existence.” - okay… now the user is assuming = making shit up. It’s perfectly possible that Hellwig simply didn’t call it “Rust” to focus on the fact that his problem is not against Rust, but against a mixed language codebase - the complete opposite of what raulinbonn is assuming.

  • Critics argue Trump’s aggressive diplomacy weakens trust, while supporters claim it reinforces U.S. strength.

    It might be worth to mention the concepts of soft power and hard power here. I’ll oversimplify it here:

    • soft power - “do what I say, it’ll be better for you”
    • hard power - “do what I say, otherwise I’ll go against you”

    The critics are focusing on the soft power, and they’re IMO spot on - Trump is ruining every bit of soft power that USA has (or had), by taunting allied governments.

    In the meantime, the supporters are focusing on hard power… and they’re completely off-mark. Hard power depends on your economical and military capabilities, and those threats are not improving either.

    “But what about the tariffs?”, someone might ask. Does anyone here genuinely believe that they’ll improve USA’s economy?

  • I’m a sucker for crafting and breeding systems that allow you to customise equipment and/or characters. But it’s really hard to find good implementations of the idea, most have some obvious flaw:

    • Pokémon (breeding) - in early games RNG plays too much of a role, so it’s hard to get what you want. Late games don’t fix this, instead they allow you to skip the process altogether (see: hyper training).
    • Niche - the breeding part of the game is actually really good, a shame that the rest of the game is a slop. For example gathering food gets a PITA once you got too many nichelings, and yet you want them to support your breeding pairs.
    • RimWorld (Biotech; germline genes) - arbitrary restrictions that must be lifted through the usage of mods.
    • RimWorld (crafting) - now we’re talking. If you pay close attention to which materials you’re using for which tasks, it pays off in the long run. There’s some luck involved, but you can get perfect (legendary) stuff fairly often if you know what you’re doing.
    • Leaf Blower Revolution (leaf crafting) - the game encourages you to craft a lot of leaves and salvage most of them. That’s fine, it’s easy to get cheese anyway. The problem is the sheer amount of beer that you need to get the properties that you want in each leaf.
    • Monster Breeder (old Flash game) - the game is a bugfest, and the lack of any sorting system makes you have a hard time even knowing which monster you should be breeding with which.
    • Minecraft (tools and weapons) - vanilla has a really dumb system that doesn’t fit well in a game that encourages hoarding piles of materials into chests. The mod Tinkers’ Construct fixes this, and makes the system next to ideal.

    Plus a lot more that I didn’t mention. Sorry for the wall of text.

  • OpenAI was not the first domino, just the one that got the most attention.

    Yes, that is correct. And perhaps it got the most attention because of all the ruckus Pigboy did over “his” precious data (i.e. users’) + because it made the whole thing hard to ignore.

    Remember when you bought shit once and that meant you owned it?

    Yeah. I was talking about this with my mum today - the chat started with my cat refusing litterboxes, then “if this was the 90s old newspapers would do the trick”, then on how you don’t really own books you buy from the internet (unlike pirated ones). But it’s the same deal with some physical goods, if someone can brick them from a distance they aren’t really yours.

    [Sorry for the rambling.]