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Cake day: September 24th, 2023

  • A couple family members and a friend that owns a shop I frequent have poopooed state and local decarbonization efforts. They say we can’t afford it. Makes me want to slap them and rub their noses in all the mass extinction event findings.

    I told the shop owner, “You know what I worry we can’t afford? Food once we’ve duqed the ecosystem we get our food from.”. I think it made him think a bit, we haven’t talked about climate since, tho. We still have pleasant and real conversations about about other topics, sometimes getting political; so that’s a good sign.

    I wish when the family member that joked that they’d be dead by the time there were consequences I’d retorted, “please don’t say that joke to your grandkids; I want them to love you;” but I didn’t have the wit to think of that fast enough. I think they realized the joke wasn’t funny as soon as they said it. We don’t talk climate much, though we did have a brief talk about how tragic this hurricane was. It almost hit my parent’s town so she asked if they were okay and then we went on about how vast the damage up north was for a while. I think it’s a good sign too.

    I hope these boomers vote for Harris. We can’t afford another round of Trump. Hell, we can’t really afford another dem either, but at least it’ll be a turn in the right direction. I voted Nader as a Floridian in 2000 and severely regretted it. When the Bush’s stole the election I chuckled, “Eh, 4 years of the same ahit.” I was so wrong. SUV wasn’t a term before W Bush era loonies created it to dodge clean air targets. Wiretapping was something nobody accepted before the amazingly broad “War on Terror” got everyone okay with the NSA and CIA keeping tabs on everyone… can’t wait for the US Hitler to get the new SS on that When the Saudi Royal’s black sheep nephew, Bin Laden organized and executed the 9-11 attacks Bush got all the Saudi Royals out of the country and let Rumsfeld and Cheney declare a bullshit war on Iraq. Thousands of US soldiers, half a million Iraqis and trillions of taxpayer dollars burned for nothing beyond Haliburton’s profits. The Afghanistan front was understaffed and thousands of US veterans lives ended or ruined in exchange for radicalizing Afghani youth against the US. US education was worsened with a so-called “No child left behind” policy that really just meant public schools needed to teach kids how to test or lose funding… And these new charter schools that could deny children with disabilities now steal public school funding. Corporations were given the right to patent DNA. Climate Change became a bad word. The US postal service budgeting requirements were changed so they needed to cover all benefits to all employees immediately at hire; meaning the postal service immediately stopped posting profits…leading to an effort to privatize the USPS. I realized us millennials were not going to wrest control from these Reaganite boomers for some time. Anyway, I’m sure the DNC will get the message I sent them with my protest vote any day now. /S

    It’d be great if we could get Republicans calling out Dems for being poor stewards of this beautiful planet God blessed us with. Hell, get those sootheads at Shell to claim they’ve been green the whole time I don’t care. We just need to decarbonize. I feel once their boomer chairmen die they’d be happy to work with us so long as the oild subsidy money didn’t stop. We should just pay them to plug wells, bury dead trees and expand their car charging and solar operations or whatever net-zero tech they want to pivot into… Even though I’d rather guillotine the CEOs and place their heads on spikes; I’d be willing to compromise with them not frookung my family’s future.

  • I second this.

    I have a nextcloud instance on pi4 for personal use and love it.

    It’s not good for live transcoding of video, but works great for calendars, file sharing, photo sharing and music streaming.

    I have a 500 gig SSD for most stuff and a 6TB HDD for backups and archiving.

    I use docker compose to map a folder called archive in my instance to the HDD.

  • Whitey on the moon is certainly a vivid slap to the face, but it isn’t the real cause of sister Nell’s rat bite (Google Gil Scott Heron whitey on the moon if you dont get the reference. It’s seriously awesome and on point and should be required listening in high school)

    The most recent big kicks to the teeth were the 2trillion in tax breaks handed to corporations a few years back and the flood of Insurance company money into politics. Insurance corporations have ruined healthcare and made medical debt a leading cause of homelessness. Political donations have made sure the government doesnt do anything about it.

    The 2 trillion in corporate tax breaks have obliterated funding to public health, rehab and job placement services as well as eliminating millions of jobs in the public services sector. These spur economic growth

    Moon shit is arguably what made microchips, solar panels and thousands of other inventions that seriously funded a great deal of economic growth, getting thousands out of poverty, while simutaneously maintaining our leading military edge and bankrupting Russia’s warchest without murdering millions of people.

    We should focus our opposition on corporate tax breaks and political bribes, not on the miniscule programs that actually do create some jobs… Also, China is making moves to occupy the moon, including the dak side of it. The moon is the ultimate high ground

  • This is quite nice in desert areas, but doesnt work well for areas like Florida where if you dont spend hours weeding or edging religiously, you’ll end up having to weedwhack your lawn because the grass and weeds have still grown, but now your mower has turned iinto a rock flinging machine with very dull blades

    A yeard can be great space for kids to run and play, but still, fuck lawns for the most part. One basketball-court-sized lawn per couple blocks is plenty sufficient for kids. A soccerfield per 5 miles, and a major sports field per 10 miles…

    Folks should let their yards be what the yards are in the wild.

    In Florida, that means pine/oak forest with palm fronds. Maybe small grassy garden if folks want a spot to hang. But grass for the most part is shaded out by trees and covered by pine-straw and leaves.

    Residential half-acre-plus fertilized lawns are stupid AF.

    Maybe was cool in the 1950s when lawncare was a handy mode of wealth redistribution for a healthier economy, and no-one had thought of the negative environmnetal impacts.

    Lawns used to be a big flex specifically because it took crazy labor to do; lords would show off how many gardeners they had under employ. Now folks are flexing in how they can kill everything including their wallets, free time, and planet

    Push mowers are superior for small lawns.

    Mowing lawnbots are the future for lawncare.