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recovering recluse

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2024


  • The dog has swimmer’s syndrome.

    As far as anyone can tell, the original is from a tiktok animal “funny” explotation/abuse account.

    They have several repeat videos of this dog doing the exact same behaviour, they seem to keep them in tiny enclosures, and keep feeding it milk. Milk is not good for dogs, especially not that much. There’s no guarantee that they feed the dogs regularly or humanely.

    It’s difficult to actually tell context because of the nature of these types of channels. Labradors can have food aggression, especially pound dogs, that needs essentially “dog therapy” over time to abate. Considering animal abuse is rampant on the channel in general, I don’t have high hopes here. The channel posting this specific dog over and over does not give context.

    The last few videos with those two dogs does show some progress with the labrador starting to gain walking ability, so maybe they are trying to rehabilitate, but they’re still giving them insane amounts of milk. They don’t look bone thin, exactly. Again, hard to say with no context.

    If there’s an original source with more information, chances are it’s on some website somewhere in chinese, which can be difficult to convince browsers in english to find :/ Language barrier. I’ve spent a few hours looking, including trying reverse image search. I’ve seen this a few times and memeified animal abuse bothers me, so wanted to know if it’s… not. If someone knows actual context with source links, I’d like to know.

  • Is it not violent for a child to go to bed hungry in the richest country in the world? I think that is violent. But that type of violence is so institutionalized that it becomes a part of our way of life. (…) And that again is because the oppressor makes his violence a part of the functioning society. (…)

    Now, I think the biggest problem with the white liberal in America, and perhaps the liberal around the world, is that his primary task is to stop confrontation, stop conflicts, not to redress grievances, but to stop confrontation. (…) once we see what the primary task of the liberal is, then we can see the necessity of not wasting time with him. His primary role is to stop confrontation. Because the liberal assumes a priori that a confrontation is not going to solve the problem. (…)

    I think that history has shown that confrontation in many cases has resolved quite a number of problems (…) In many cases, stopping confrontation really means prolonging suffering.

    The liberal is so preoccupied with stopping confrontation that he usually finds himself defending and calling for law and order, the law and order of the oppressor. (…)

    You cannot engage with the article in good faith without addressing the point that the system engages in passive but pervasive constant violence against minorities.

    When you say you do not want to legitimize violence, you ignore their point that violence is nonetheless happening, and will not change through politely requesting those in charge, currently enabling or actively doing the violence, to stop it please. They are actively rewarded by inflicting violence on others through material gains. They have no good reason to stop, since it is already clear pesky morals are not getting in the way.

    You state “we should just get rid of exceptions,” but you have no actual proposal for convincing those with no reason to be convinced, e.g. the people in power. We are not in a void where everyone starts off on equal footing. We are in a world where pervasive violence is quietly carried out every minute of every day.

    Police violence, overseas wars, cutting minorities off from basic needs, these are all things that quiet lawful protests and “voting really hard” have not budged.

    Your argument is not at all engaging with this article’s content.

    My point is less to convince you to suddenly engage in good faith than to point out to onlookers how you are not. My suggestion to those onlookers is to read the actual article themselves, as it makes for some interesting reflection, regardless of agreement with it.