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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • You don’t need the distro to package your sodtware through their package management systems though. Apt and dnf repositories are extensible, anyone can publish. If you go to copr or ppa you can have a little extra help too, without distro maintainers.

    The headache comes up when multiple third party repositories start conflicting with each other when you add enough of them, despite they’re best efforts. This scenario starts needing flatpack, which can, for example concurrently provide multiple distinct library versions installed that traditionally would conflict with each other. This doesn’t mean application has to bundle the dependency, that dependency can still be external to the package and independently updated, it just means conflicts can be gracefully handled.

  • Generally their playbook is open, it just doesn’t work. Their strategy is to let rich people do whatever they want and hoard as much wealth as they can, and that prosperity obviously will trickle down to everyone.

    However when taxes are relatively higher on the rich and regulations do things like punish them for poisoning a water source, they spend their resources gaslighting the populace into thinking economy is just terrible and if your personal experience does not bear that out, well your just lucky and you’ll be out on the streets in a few months unless you vote right.

  • the stuff you’re asking for doesn’t work that well, but this does

    I didn’t think that this works. The examples where people claim “is just like this” I don’t see as being like this.

    The ones that work are ones that have some relation to their cause. Forcing everyone to really think about an issue Inherent to the act. For example, going about and doing this to parked private jets, which they did.

    Just doing anything to get attention isn’t useful if there’s no Inherent message in the act itself. Especially with climate where everyone already has awareness, just not action.

    Being merely loud is not going to sway hearts and minds in your favor.

  • I presume the facial recognition would be trying to match against faces without the makeup.

    If you always use the same makeup pattern, then I guess it can latch onto that like anything else, if trained to do so.

    Also note that facial recognition tries to break down a face into discrete “pieces” so it can match a face in profile against the same face from the front. In your example the image is visually similar because they are both exactly the same angle, no ‘facial recognition’ involved. If it can’t figure out what a cheekbone is, what a nose is, generally what a ‘face’ is, then that would count as fouling the facial recognition because it would be unable to use a reference facial database.