Forgive me but how is lightcone different from conebros???
Forgive me but how is lightcone different from conebros???
Mr. Blott is what Mr. Bean became when all his old movies started paying streaming royalties
oh no, son
you built a talking cartoon butt instead
we’re ruined, son
I’m farting harder, and it must be praxis if it feels this good. Can anybody help me get set up on ActBlue?
HQ sez the grift is pivoting back to puritanical virtue ethics, we need to have cleansing struggle memes ready by next week so we can hit it hard over the holidays. Did you not get the memo?
On the other hand, bombing foreign data centers, likely located in densely populated urban areas, would be justified and morally upstanding if it seems like they might be incarnating the imaginary computer god! I’m glad we have such a nuanced thinker guiding our modern morality.
My dog took a kudu on the sidewalk and I had to clean it up before somebody stepped in it
“Nerniacular framen, dude!” - Bart Simpson
But we suspect Extropic is just burning through the $14 million and will go broke within a year or two, if that. We look forward to Verdon’s “our fabulous journey” post.
This guy seems like the type to totally skip that, embezzle the last million or two, and go straight for “messianic cult in the woods.” Possibly with a side order of “amateur experimental stimulant laboratory”
It is a peculiar sort of faith movement, where the central devotional practice is wandering around pulling made-up probability estimates out of one’s ass
I especially want to be sure that everyone here is aware that the video thumbnail clearly shows that JD Vance was not seated upon, or otherwise interacting with, a couch. JD Vance was calmly seated in a standard office chair for the duration of this interview. Any posts containing out-of-context references to couches will be dealt with vigorously.
Well, he was already practically an SS-Mann without the neck lapels, so why be surprised about this?
“Leaking rationalist-evidence-bits” is an unexpectedly top-tier euphemism for the aftermath of digesting Wendy’s chili
please be gentle with my child, they will soon have a presence on the discount paperback rack at the local grocery store
It could also be swapped out for nothing. The people in charge could figure out that this stuff is costing more than it’s making, turn the servers off, and deactivate the user-facing features or leave them as vestigial stubs.
There’s more evidence right now for that scenario, and it would generate an awful lot of e-waste. Tell me, are you up to date on process improvements for recycling or repurposing that much e-waste?
what if I continually remind it to be flatulent instead? has anyone tried that?
Do you think they will manage to issue a coherent Incredible Journey post before their mugshot turns up in their local newspaper?
At the very least, the supply chain of meth is likely to be more robust than the supply chain for GMO mouth bacteria.
We are, of course, assuming that the author continues to "micro"dose.
This just makes me think of JJ Abrams’ self-insert Star Wars character, Babu Frik.
Truly the best part of the sequel movies, there shall be no Babu Frik hate here