• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It has access to a python interpreter and can use that to do math, but it shows you that this is happening, and it did not when i asked it.

    I asked it to do another operation, this time specifying i wanted it to use an external tool, and it did

    You have access to a dictionary, that doesn’t prove you’re incapable of spelling simple words on your own, like goddamn people what’s with the hate boners for ai around here

  • If i train an LLM to do math, for the training data i generate a+b=cstatements, never showing it the same one twice.

    It would be pointless for it to “memorize” every single question and answer it gets since it would never see that question again. The only way it would be able to generate correct answers would be if it gained a concept of what numbers are, and how the add operation operates on them to create a new number.
    Rather than memorizing and parroting it would have to actually understand it in order to generate responses.

    It’s called generalization, it’s why large amounts of data is required (if you show the same data again and again then memorizing becomes a viable strategy)

    If I say “Two plus two is four” I am communicating my belief about mathematics.

    Seems like a pointless distinction, you were told it so you believe it to be the case? Why can’t we say the LLM outputs what it believes is the correct answer? You’re both just making some statement based on your prior experiences which may or may not be true

  • Tried the same prompt:

    I have a riddle for you. With a boat, how can a man and a goat get across the river?

    This riddle is reminiscent of classic river-crossing puzzles. The exact solution depends on the additional conditions or constraints that might be implied (like if there are other characters involved, such as a wolf or cabbage). Assuming it’s just the man and the goat, here’s a straightforward solution:

    1. The man takes the goat across the river.
    2. The man leaves the goat on the other side.
    3. The man returns alone to the original side to get the boat. So, in short, the man and the goat cross together in the boat, and then the man returns to the original side to get the boat. If there are additional details or constraints to consider, please let me know!

    The goal is to get both to the other side, not just the goat

    I see! If the goal is to get both the man and the goat to the other side of the river, here’s how it can be done:

    1. The man and the goat both get into the boat.
    2. The man rows the boat with the goat across the river.
    3. They both disembark on the other side of the river. In this way, both the man and the goat successfully reach the other side of the river together.

    Asking questions because you know the dataset is biased towards a particular solution isn’t showing the fault in the syatem, much like asking a human a trick question isn’t proving humans are stupid. If you want to test the logical reasoning you should try questions it is unlikely to have ever heard before, where it needs to actually reason on its own to come to the answer.

    And i guess people with anterograde amnesia cannot be intelligent, are incapable of cognition and are worthless, since they can’t form new memories

  • Prompt:

    Alice and Bob are identical twins, Bob is twice the age of Alice. How old are they? Show your thought process step by step.


    Given the problem statement that Alice and Bob are identical twins and Bob is twice the age of Alice, we need to determine their ages. Let’s analyze the information step by step.

    1. Identical Twins: Identical twins are born at the same time, so they are always the same age.
    2. Statement Analysis:
    • Bob is twice the age of Alice.
    • Since they are identical twins, Bob and Alice must have the same age.
    1. Logical Conclusion:
    • The only scenario where a person’s age can be twice their own age is if their age is zero. Thus, the only solution that satisfies both the condition of them being identical twins and the age relationship given in the problem is: Alice’s age = 0 Bob’s age = 0 Therefore, Alice and Bob are both 0 years old.

    Are there biases due to the training data? Yes
    Does that mean it is totally incapable of reason? No why would it?

    And the models aren’t trying to act like a specific person, but humans in general, so variations in writing styles in the data is quite irrelevant, as we’ve already seen it’ll usually adopt the writing style of the prompt, much like a writer will usually stick to their writing style throughout a book.

    Memories are not required for intelligence, and letting a model ramble to itself will just cause the entropy of the output to increase until it’s spewing gibberish, akin fo a human locked in solitary for long enough.

  • Idiots thinking a new thing is magic that will solve all the worlds problems doesn’t mean the thing doesn’t have merit. Someone calling themselves an exper carpenter because they have a nailgun doesn’t make nailguns any less useful.

    If you see a person doing a data entry job, do you walk over to them, crack their head open and say “aww man, it’s not magic, it’s just a blob of fat capable of reading and understanding a document, and to then plot the values into a spreadsheet”?

    It’s not magic, it’s not a super intelligence that will solve everything, it’s the first tool we’ve been able to make that can be told what to do in human language, and able to then perform tasks with a degree of intelligence and critical thinking, something that normally would require either a human or potentially years of development to automate programmatically. That alone makes it very useful

  • What if i say big fusion companies will take over the ai market since they have the energy to train better models, seems exactly as likely.

    Remember when GPUs stopped being available because openAI bought nvidia and AMD and took all the gpus for themselves?
    No? Weird, since gpus are needed for them to be able to deliver anything significantly better than what we have now 🤔