• 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 5th, 2024


  • hsdkfr734r@feddit.nltohmmm@lemmy.worldhmmm
    10 days ago


    In principle, cyclists may choose whether to turn left directly or indirectly.

    When turning directly left, cyclists may also leave cycle paths that are subject to mandatory use in order to turn directly left, but must pay attention to straight ahead traffic, which has the right of way. If you want to turn directly left, get into the middle of the lane in good time and follow the traffic lights of the corresponding lane.

    When turning indirectly left, the cyclist first stays to the right and crosses the junction or intersection. They then turn left. The cyclist therefore crosses two lanes straight ahead.

    Of course, the question arises as to whether you want to cycle on the road or prefer to stay on the cycle path.

  • One aspect is how interesting you are as a target. What would a possible attacker gain by getting access to your services or hosts?

    The danger to get hacked is there but you are not Microsoft, amazon or PayPal. Expect login attempts and port scans from actors who map out the internets. But I doubt someone would spend much effort to break into your hosts if you do not make it easy (like scripted automatic exploits and known passwords login attempts easy) .

    DDOS protection isn’t something a tiny self hosted instance would need (at least in my experience).

    Firewall your hosts, maybe use a reverse proxy and only expose the necessary services. Use secure passwords (different for each service), add fail2ban or the like if you’re paranoid. Maybe look into MFA. Use a DMZ (yes, VLANs could be involved here). Keep your software updated so that exploits don’t work. Have backups if something breaks or gets broken.

    In my experience the biggest danger to my services is my laziness. It takes steady low level effort to keep the instances updated and running. (Yes there are automated update mechanisms - unattended upgrades i.e. -, but also downwards compatibility breaking changes in the software which will require manual interactions by me.)

  • hsdkfr734r@feddit.nltoich_iel@feddit.deich🇬🇷iel
    13 days ago

    Da unterscheiden sich deutsche und chinesische Gesellschaften scheint es mir. Die einen nehmen, damit Griechenland Verbindlichkeiten erfüllen kann. Die anderen geben, um zukünftig Einfluss zu erlangen und Gewinne zu erwirtschaften.

    Ich lese das Schlagwort port concession. Wenn Piraeus profitabel war (war er das?), warum brauchte Griechenland Geld von Cosco für Ausbau und Modernisierung ihres Hafens und hat ihnen dafür Nutzungsrechte auf Zeit abgetreten? Oder ist alles ganz anders?

  • hsdkfr734r@feddit.nltoich_iel@feddit.deich🇬🇷iel
    18 days ago

    Die “Rettung” war für die deutschen Unternehmen (hey fraport ich guck dich an) , die jetzt die profitablen griechischen Häfen und Flughäfen besitzen, gar nicht so unerfreulich. Vorher gehörten die dem griechischen Staat, wenn ich mich richtig erinnere.