Unfairly? You’re being too nice.
That teacher is a bitch and should be no where near children.
Unfairly? You’re being too nice.
That teacher is a bitch and should be no where near children.
Wear comfortable cloths that fit you well. When its time to replace something, get the same you had or pick out a new one you like.
Keeping up with “fashion” isn’t a time problem, its a wallet problem. The marketing is all designed to give you the feeling of missing out so you’ll buy cloths you don’t need.
Think back to childhood “back to school cloths”; did anyone actually care if your day 1 outfit was brand new and the latest fad? No. (If they did, damn them for ruining my point).
Are both parents required to put them up for adoption? If a single mother or father puts the child up for adoption…its still adoption, no?
So “paper abortion” is just slang for adoption?
Unfortunately, I don’t know any 1 to 1 replacement, but here’s a few other channels I follow.
Steve Lehto - radio show style commentary on various stories. Typically smaller unique stories you don’t see on mainstream news.
Attorney Tom - The USCSB commentaries are fun. He’s the other lawyer suing Honey with Legal Eagle. Recently has some very timely videos, such as honey, fires and yesterday released a video how suing the government works
Paper abortion? Is that just fancy speak for putting the kid up for adoption or should I actually look it up?
UGreen cables for charging (switched from Anker after Eufy shit)
CablesMatter for everything else (HDMI, Display port, usb for data, etc).
As with anything, you have to take care of it. Cables are fragile. If you’re wadding them up in a ball, letting the cable bend at the connector funny or ripping the cable out, the cable will break eventually. Braided cables are more resistant to abuse, but not invincible.
Your missing out big time, Torrent+ comes with a few extra files to play with your computer.
Its right next to the elusive milk.
Yeah, these pro/con lists are just random bullshit with 0 accountability and constancy.
The only useful comparisons are ones that show the actual specs side by side, and even then it doesn’t tell the whole story.
I filter out a bunch of words too…but it doesn’t work when people have generic titles. Half the meme communities are nothing but political slop despite (some of) their rules saying otherwise.
If Lemmy implemented tags like red had, then we can start flagging stuff so people can filter it.
…I’m still here
Can we go back to having the military musicians perform the anthem? Stop giving the once in a life time honor to random celebrities.
Dessert is a meal. Snack is a meal.
Why is this a question, are you guys not having plate fulls of candy, cake and ice cream at 2:30 and 7 everyday?
That’s unfortunate.
Another thing you can do is to keep available funds on whatever card you use online low. If there’s only 1 to 2k on the card, yes it’ll suck, but it won’t be as impactfull as your life savings.
You a might also consider credit card with a small limit (1k or less) and set auto pay to “pay full balance” every month. Avoid interest like the plague, (those cards have insane interest rates over 20%), but if you’re always paying it off in full, there’s no interest to pay. If I can’t pay the credit card off in full (and I mean the full limit) when I “swipe” it, I pretend it does not exist. None of the “I get played next week, so I can pay it off then” - nope, don’t go there.
Supposedly credit cards have better fraud protection than a debit, but maybe that’s just another one of our many “Freedom” problems.
The main thing is you’re separating the random websites from the majority of your funds to limit how much can be taken. If there’s a problem, I’m dealing with Privacy.com and a couple hundred bucks and can still pay the bills. I’m not trying to convince ebayclone#71 and my bank I didn’t place an order for 10000 waffle makers before the lights shut off.
And of course, I’m just some rando on the internet, not an actual expert. Not even in same country as you, so take that for what it is.
Good to know.
Password manager, and use different randomly generated passwords.
The real danger is having the same password everywhere.
Also pay attention to where you save your payment info.
Everything I do online is through Privacy.com, with limits for each vendor. My amazon gets hacked? Most I’m out is $100, steam gets hacked, there goes $60. A subscription tries to double charge, lol no. Free trial wants to auto-bill me after 7 days, its not happening. Funneling everything through them isn’t 100%, but at least they’re not paypal, I get notified when ever even a 1 cent charge happens and I’m not leaving my bank card on a dozen random sites I’ll eventually loose track of.
I’m assuming they both work at same “evil” company.
The guilt would depend on the crime.
Did the roof collapse despite numerous warnings from the maintenance staff about structural issues? If the worker failed to report outside the company, yes there is some fault on them for inaction.
If the company ordered some cyrpto mining baked into their software, then the developer who accepted the task and implemented it would share guilt.
Gee thanks for linking the comic where I stole the joke from :p
“We’ll take your women to bare our children”
“The volunteers are lining up already”
“You should have done something so we can punish you too”