• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Not a church service, but I attended a church wedding.

    Pastor gave a sermon as is tradition during a church wedding. Every minute or so, he somehow managed to work in “and since you are in a place of God, you should not disrespect the bride and groom or our worshippers by using your phones”.

    Bitch, I’m here to support my friend who’s getting married, not your church or your worshippers. I know for a fact that my friend chose to get married in the church because it’s cheaper, not because she’s super religious. Also I’m agnostic and haven’t read the Bible, but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t say “thou shalt not use mobile phones in churches”.

    I very pointedly had my phone out for his entire sermon out of spite

  • Eyesight is not the issue here - this isn’t an eye test. At 10m the target looks like a small circle, there isn’t any further detail to see. Air pistols can only have iron sights, so there are three things to look at while shooting: the rear sight, the front sight, and the target. If you’re focusing on the right thing (your sights), the target will be slightly out of focus anyway.

    So yes, anyone with perfect eyesight can get lenses made, but it doesn’t help much.

    The glasses are custom in the sense that nobody wears them outside of shooting, but anyone can buy them - this is the first result I found on Google, there are tons more:


    As for cheating… The real cheating occurs with stuff like heart medication to make your heartbeat slower, and beta blockers to reduce anxiety. A lot of shooting is a mental game. At a high enough level, nearly every shot needs to be a bullseye, so it’s about maintaining that consistent standard and not letting the occasional 9/10 shot creep into your head and affect the rest of your shots.

  • This meme is funny but they are pretty similar. The only “gear” Yejin is wearing is the shooting glasses, which is basically a prescription lens (no magnification is allowed) on a frame that allows more adjustment than normal eyeglasses, with a piece of plastic instead of lens over the other eye. You can achieve something very similar by taping a piece of paper to the left lens.

    No other gear is allowed in this event - shoes cannot go above the ankle, clothing cannot restrict movement. Most people wear some sort of flat-soled shoes, whatever clothing you wear literally doesn’t matter except to keep you warm/cool.

    And before anyone mentions it, putting their hand in the pocket is the standard stance for air pistol shooting. Only one hand is allowed on the gun. And in a sport where your breathing and heart rate interferes with your accuracy, having one hand free means it might move around and cause micro movements to your body, so everyone puts their other hand in their jacket/pants pocket.

    It does look badass though.

    Source: I used to compete in ISSF air pistol events like these

  • Amen to that.

    A lot of Linux users have forgotten how tech-savvy they are even compared to the average power user. Saying “Linux just works” shows just how tone deaf they are.

    As someone who didnt know anything about file systems besides FAT32 and NTFS, and as someone who isn’t comfortable using command line, trying to switch to Linux was horrible. On windows something might not work they way you want it to, but it does kinda work. On Linux I felt like I had to fight every step of the way to do simple tasks.

    Its like buying a car - I’m not a gearhead, I just want something that gets me around when I put petrol in. I want to drive it off the lot, even if there are a few maddening features like the cup holder being in the wrong place. I don’t want to have to choose the right wheels and assemble them, I don’t want to have to buy seats and install them, and I don’t want to stop every other day to figure out why something isn’t working.