Web Developer by day, and aspiring Swift developer at night.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Be honest with them. There is nothing wrong with saying that you need to take a break from the app. You don’t have to go into detail either; a simple, “It’s been great chatting, I need to go do something else for a bit. Would you mind picking this back up later?” should suffice.

    And if it doesn’t suffice – i.e., they get offended – then maybe they aren’t what you’re looking for in a relationship. Healthy relationships, even in the beginning, should be based on honesty, openness, and each person willing to give the other their space.

    As for how much to talk to them on the app, whether to give out your phone number, or to meet them in person, is completely up to you and them and how you both feel things are moving along. There is no need to pressure yourself or the other person with some preconceived notion of how to do dating. Everyone is different. No two people will interact the same way. Trust your gut and talk to your potential partner about what they are comfortable with doing.

    And congrats! Good luck!

  • I’d love to know what we citizens can do to convince the DNC to stop nominating these out-of-touch antiques for candidates?

    I’m serious. Because until we get the DNC to change their behavior, this same shit is going to continue to happen.

    There’s a reason why the likes of Bernie Sanders and AOC don’t get nominated. It’s because they won’t toe the line of what the DNC wants.

    And voting third party does no good. It’s a losing choice that only helps the republicans; because any vote that is not for the D is a vote for an R.

    Third parties do not get fair treatment during elections, so they do not get the same exposure. And everyone knows it’s all about the exposure you get. Mostly through adverts, mailers, phone calls, etc… But also TV airtime, news articles, debates, and so on.

    Yeah it’s unfair and it’s bullshit and woulda shoulda coulda. Make all the excuses you want; shit ain’t changing until this duopoly is changed. And right now, they’ve got their heads so far up their asses that they can lick their own uvulas.

    So how do we change that? Seriously. Legitimately. Realistically.

    Because not voting for Biden is the same as voting for Trump, and goddamnit we cannot survive another term with that poor excuse for a human being.

  • How is that irrelevant? The folder is literally called Temp. Doesn’t matter anything else. You said, and I quote, “The kinds of people who need this message, you would have lost the second you said “temp files”.”

    Obviously not sure, given where the files were located. 🤦‍♂️

    And of course they didn’t know what the files were for; probably why they went searching for it, and eventually found the contact info for Richard Hipp.

    Me thinks you just want to shit on people for no other reason than to make yourself feel superior to them. 👏 Congrats!

  • It’s no grosser than wiping with dry paper and then walking around with poop smear to stink up the downstairs area.

    And I’m not saying that to be mean. It’s the truth. We’ve been brainwashed by the likes of Johnson & Johnson to believe dry paper can fully clean your butt after pooping. It simply is not true. That’s the real gross.

    It’s high time we start talking about all of this. How else can we learn and grow?