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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • The problem isn’t just his acquisition, it’s that he sucks. His passive is a worse adaptation that doesn’t even work if you want to use the real Adaptation. His AI companions have the same braindead AI that enemies have, making them worthless. His slam is basically a worse version of the ability you get rid of on Rhino.

    I think the combo of Razor Gyre dealing slash and Fusion Strike technically being a strip is all he offers right now, and that’s not very much. He needs a full Pablo rework before he’ll start seeing play.

  • Which by the way, is an entirely self-inflicted wound. There was nothing stopping Biden from not running in the first place, and instead spending the four years pulling up a new candidate from the likeable semi-progressive crowd like Buttigeg. Instead, it seems the DNC have gotten high huffing their own farts. Biden barely beat Trump the first time and began polling worse almost immediately. Instead of reading the writing in the wall, they invented the narrative that Biden was some kinda “Trump Kryptonite” who would always be able to beat him. That message has always been bullshit, but last night the DNC got to realize how bullshit it is.

    Imagine how much of a slam dunk win this would be if DNC spent the last four years working on a strategy to win, like the GOP have. They could deflect on Israel, show a graceful transition of power, and they didn’t have to run a geriatric. Instead, they assumed they had this in the bag again, and might fucking lose because of it again.

  • It’s pretty fun, but I wonder what will make me return to it after the clan event ends. I managed to naturally drop all the blueprints I needed, so now I’m just stacking up the Arcanes. Once I have everything, it feels pretty unlikely I’d return. The “overwhelming Eximus” at the top were nerfed, so it’s not a good Affinity farm. The mission itself is pretty long, so even if it gets added as an Omnia fissure, I’m probably not going to choose it for relic cracking. It feels like another Tyvar Pass, where even though I really like the gameplay, I’m just never going to come back after running it 150-200 times.

  • Spoken like someone who hasn’t touched the game.

    The single biggest issue is that the high difficulty is the only thing that actually pushes you to explore the world. If you were able to just kill every boss right away, 50% of the Elden Ring’s content becomes immediately pointless busywork. It already is, but that busywork offers small, incremental rewards that allow you to last a little bit longer, or learn a little bit more about a boss’ moveset. The intended gameplay experience is to run into a brick wall, explore and discover new options and opportunities, and then returning to break the brick wall. For experienced players on their second or third playthrough, you can basically strip out the open world entirely after an initial 2-3 hours of running around to grab what you want.

    I’d also like to point out that 90% of the difficulty of bosses has nothing to do with their health or how much damage they do. FromSoftware has really pushed the envelope on boss design and AI, to the point where many of the hardest bosses are difficult because of their moveset. You can especially see this in the DLC, where you’re able to collect Scadutree Fragments to increase your damage and health, but players still have difficulty with many bosses even after maxing them out. Dealing 3x more damage doesn’t mean anything if you can never get a hit in, and taking 3x less damage won’t save you from a fatal grab. You can make an argument for difficulty levels toning down boss AI and making them less aggressive, but I’ll make a different one.

    If a player doesn’t want to engage in difficult boss fights, and doesn’t want to be forced to learn combat encounters, they probably don’t want to play Elden Ring. There’s a lot of people who didn’t actually want to play Elden Ring in that 20 million. Only about 27% ended up completing the game. FromSoftware is still making niche games for a niche audience, but now they’re known for their exceptionally high pedigree, which causes people to feel FOMO. It’s okay to not want to play Elden Ring, but no amount of handicap is going to change that feeling for players.