the guy who got Elon and Grimes to hook up, destroying Twitter and then Reddit
page tagged and question added to talk page
solving the halting problem by talking it to death
Kevin hopes to be Casey when he grows up
oh yeah, lotta EAs really care and work their backsides off and live on beans
it’s a pity about the ones at the top
investigate ideas
“Which ideas?”
“Oh, you know the ones”
yeah, fuck these guys
CEOs vs dust specks (large ones very fast)
The whole internet loves Alleged CEO Murderer, a handsome fellow who is alleged to murder CEOs! 5 seconds later We regret to inform you the alleged CEO murderer is a rationalist.
young blood, it’s a hell of a drug
they’re all winners!
perfect ty which seems also to be a bit active again
we started this one cos it originally shut down when Reddit pissed off most of the mods
where’s the list?
local note: we don’t need to “nsfw” tag links on the awful systems version of sneerclub any more
to be fair that was mclaren’s original plan for punk rock and the sex pistols were a boy band assembled by an exploitative manager. he just got a bit more than he bargained for.
why does my degeneracy feel like work
greatest point against him being a rationalist is the 262 word manifesto, it would be 20,000 words with sections numbered I. II. III. and possibly diagrams
mod note: it’s time for less enthusiasm
and bullshitting and dogwhistling and obfuscation