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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • When I read your post I was expecting something much worse than what you linked to.

    It wasn’t really all that bad. Imo, it was 1 or 2 emails too many.

    Maybe I’m a little biased because I love the product so much. It’s a fantastic search engine again and all of the AI extras add value and aren’t obnoxious like everyone else’s.

    I am still happily paying for kagi even if the CEO emails people that write shitty blogs about them.

  • This feels like a troll account for some reason. Stirring the pot pretty disingenuously across the board.

    The railroad workers got what they wanted because the admin followed up. So he averted a rail strike and got them their concessions.

    The east Palestine disaster isn’t this admins fault. It’s anl negligent rail companies fault combined with deregulation from previous Congresses and the previous administration. Not to mention both previous Congress and admin sat on an infrastructure spending packages that could have addressed antiquated rail infrastructure. Ironically, Biden managed to pass the biggest infrastructure package in American history (with a divided Congress). With clean energy and resiliency built it. And if I recall correctly FEMA and Co are still monitoring and supporting the clean up.

    Your fossil fuel is thing is BS because of course its growing–we’ve done nothing, our CONGRESS has done nothing to curtail it. The previous admin opened the flood gates on regulations as well. Don’t lay that at the feet of this admin. That’s absolute horse shit. The aforementioned infrastructure bill included the most investment in green energy ever.

    And the anti trans shit is Bidens fault how? He signed the respect marriage act, he reversed the ban for trans service members, and strengthen some of the protections against discrimination re housing and healthcare.

    You want lord emperor Biden to go send mobs after statehouses and local governments?? That’s not how Any of this works and you know it.

  • Microsoft onedrive, 365 integration, teams and all of that is the most frustrating experience I’ve had with a computer in a very very very long time.

    It’s infuriating to try and save something. I have no fucking clue where it’s going to go. There’s like a one drive directory structure that’s exactly the same as the local one, but also sometimes it just saves it in some temp directory or weird onedrive area??

    No worries, I’ll just open file explorer and it will be in the “recent files list”, right? Just kidding." Fuck yourself, I’m windows and that file doesn’t count as a recent file for some reason. Good luck finding it!"

    You want to just save locally? Just change a setting buried deep in the menus. But fun surprise, this turns off cloud sync for all files–even ones that were shared to you for review. You have to manually pull updates and push yours. Can you guess what happens next? Overwrite party! Those figures Janet added to the doc just got over written when you synced your edits to a paragraph 4 pages away.

    Oh and teams is another variable in the mix with a weird SharePoint backend (I think, who fucking knows anymore). It defaults to opening in a dumb teams WebView which is like the browser view of the stuff but somehow worse than that. You can change it to default to opening in the actual application, but see the syncing issues above(all because you want new docs saved locally and never on fucking one drive)

    I’m like a god damned boomer with MS software these days. I hate every second working with it. Its always in the way.

    The whole experience is user hostile.

  • Discord could be a decent place for technical support, the way irc used to be used, but unless it’s super active with knowledgeable, helpful people, forums/GitHub discussions and other asynchronous comms channels make way more sense.

    Otherwise it’s like shouting into the void and the signal to noise ratio on my discord channels is really low.

    Plus with forums and discussion boards they can be stickied and indexed to be searched. So the next time someone has that error message they can pull up that exact discussion.