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Joined 18 days ago
Cake day: September 17th, 2024


  • You didn’t really answer any of my questions.

    They were mostly nonsense. It actually doesn’t matter whether you can make the case that the British didn’t have the legal or moral authority to allow the Jews to create a state in the Mandate; they did, and it is now a nation of several million people, many born there and with no other citizenship whatsoever.

    That’s simply a fact, just as borders are a fact. If you purport to reverse the creation of Israel, you’re advocating for a genocide many times worse than the Holocaust. You’re advocating for the pogrom to end all pogroms; a vast, multi-national effort to commit ethnic cleansing in the Levant.

  • can you please clarify which scenario you are pushing for

    I’m not pushing for any “scenario” save Israel’s military victory in Gaza - a victory that ends with every member of Hamas dead or in custody (and then dead by execution) and the province of Gaza returned to Israeli administration. Or not! Honestly, who cares?

    whose family hasn’t set foot in the territory for 2000 years

    How do you figure “2000 years”? They probably have family there right now. They probably flew there for Seder!

    I would like to bring up jewish people living in any other country that is not officially Jewish, where “even when they were there, they did not rule it”.

    That’s correct; Jews have been second-class citizens and subject to oppression, explulsion, and genocide in every nation on Earth save their own. Hence, control over their homeland is necessary to prevent the complete extinction of the Jewish people and their culture. Great point, thanks for making it!

    Or should Jews outside Israel be subject to the kind of treatment Israel reserves for Arabs?

    Arabs aren’t so treated in Israel. They’re first class citizens with their own representation in the government. Does the UK extend Jews their own member of the legislature or naw?