Its truedeau. (Its a pun)
Its truedeau. (Its a pun)
(That was my first post on the thread. I was just making sure there was the clarification of the two locations and the innocent people would be in jail, where prison are for those convicted.)
Jail vs Prison.
You can be as evil as you want, as long as you are doing it to the right people and you’re on their team.
That quote was just beautiful. I really wish we could just share our experiences with those in other areas without any judgement, and just acknowledge our differences, and similarities as humans.
Can I hate it all?
It has SWARES!! SWARES, I tell you!
Yah. Mine just has full on knife wounds from that.
Not at all. Is too far gone, and the people who have the levers of power are putting them full throttle
This is how you end up found dead on the toilet.
The thing is, he is not a moron. He just generalized his expertise in thoracic surgery to everything and found he could leverage an appeal to authority (him) for cash (thanks Oprah).
I think this is a render. There is no water disturbance from the helicopter.
You will want to be sure to sift them a little, as there will be a lot of stones in them, in my experience.
I…. Hate you….
Ok. That is until the Ukraine bit. Russia chose to invade. It was made very clear in the press that the US knew what was happening on the border and gave Putin every chance to stop it Ukraine is a sovereign country and did not want more Russian influence and was courting EU membership.
A quality, subject appropriate song.
Kind of like slashdot modding of yore? I don’t recall if they still do it, but they had multiple positive and negative tags for moderation.