Pressing caps lock for a single capital letter should be outlawed or be painful or something. That’s just weird.
I’m a nerd, doing nerd things…
Pressing caps lock for a single capital letter should be outlawed or be painful or something. That’s just weird.
Thank you so much!
Awesome. Thanks!
I’m going to be trying this on my Kubernetes cluster. I don’t suppose either of you (Matt/fmstrat) have that working - do you?
Thanks for the extra recommendation. I’ll definitely check it out. What caught my eye mostly was the clean mobile app of Ente. Immach’s mobile app sure looks close. I don’t technically need E2E since I’m self-hosting… Decisions decisions…
But you don’t have to pay them for self-hosting. ???
Thanks for posting this. It isn’t overly obvious on their main page. I’m going to try this out. I like that their mobile apps support this as well.
TrueNAS. Install it. Use it. Forgetta’bout it. It just works. For almost a decade now.