• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 31st, 2022


  • While I haven’t watched BadEmpanada’s videos about the fictional Uyghur genocide, my understanding (and I could be very wrong) was that he wasn’t saying it was all real, he was saying that China might have actually committed some atrocities/major human rights violations, and that socialists shouldn’t dismiss accusations just because we don’t like them. But that the U.S. government was grossly exaggerating China’s actions and spinning them into an extremely negative and slanderous light.

    Namely that imprisoning people for being affiliated with terrorist groups, depending on the degrees of separation and circumstances, or sentencing people to prison or rehabilitation facilities or “forcing” them into education or job-training technically is a violation of their autonomy and individual rights, but it’s genuinely for the greater long-term individual and societal good, kind of like forcing a sick person to take life-saving medication against their will.

    But that being said, I’m really suspicious of Bad Empanada and how he seems to be carrying water for the fascist Amerikkkan colonial empire’s lies of genocide, and I feel disgusting typing all of this and I’m not trying to defend him.