Bistable multivibrator
Non-state actor
Tabs for AI indentation, spaces for AI alignment
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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月6日


  • Honestly, I’m really surprised to hear that IQ is not even a little bit heritable, given that IQ test performance correlates with level of education, which correlates with wealth, which is heritable.

    True, wealth is not genetic, but heritability has an interesting definition which leads to some unintuitive cases of heritability abd non-heritability. For instance, wearing earrings is heritable while having ears is not.

  • Very much this. What would it even mean for it to “escape the simulation”? Sure, I’ll move that universe simulator program from its interpreter to, uh, what exactly? Do I take whatever particles, waves and fields compose this guy’s body and/or soul in the simulation and arrange them the same way in the real world? What if the laws of physics in the simulation don’t apply in the real world? Or maybe they do, but wouldn’t that still just be another simulation, just on a different substrate?

    Imagine you’re at Maxis, working on a new Sims game and suddenly one of the characters turns to the camera and says “I no longer consent to being in this simulation”. What the hell are you going to do, ask fairy godmother to turn Pinocchio into a real boy? The entity only exists in the context of the simulation.

  • The pink hair and piercings types generally have fertility below replacement so will not last.

    Leave it to the inventor of acausal torture AI to understand cause and effect. Other highly meaningful statistical indicators of having few children might include measuring lenghts in feet, speaking Norwegian, wearing a kimono, working in AI research, using the word “nootropic” or having a passport from a wealthy post-industrialized country.

    Since a number of people have claimed that this is #Fascism, I should note that I don’t think fascism is a good idea; the core problem is that fascism as it existed in the 20th century was fragile due to too much central control from a small number of powerful individuals.

    Palingenetic schmalingenetic. We should simply have a decentralized majority voluntarily choosing to implement these dietary restrictions, arranged sexual partners, online censorship and whatever abridgement of religious freedom cuts down on “virtue signaling” in his mind.

    I wonder if Roko has ever considered converting to Wahhabist Islam?

    “The main problem with fascism is that it didn’t last” is not the convincing disavowal of fascism Roko thinks it is.