I’m a full bottle of wine in (which is not an invitation to remind me of what day of the week it is) and I will have to take the time to ingest the post in its full madness tomorrow, but the you managed to summarize my main objection to the simulation hypothesis very quickly and very succintly:
Are the implications really that intriguing, beyond a “that’s wild duuude” you exhale alongside the weed smoke in your college dorm?
The simulation hype is not just unfalsifiable, it doesn’t even have implications. Most religions at least have some normative claims or claim instrumental utility to go with their metaphysical claims, like “don’t eat shellfish unless you really need to or you will have a shitty afterlife”. The simulation hypothesis is just “maybe the math that described how stuff works is being calculated by a computer”, as if it makes any difference whether the universe runs on silicon, an abacus, some rocks in a desert, God’s own analytical engine, Microsoft Excel, or if our physical universe is actually the outermost reality out there. From our context it’s an intellectual dead end. At best, we might find a way to exploit the bugs and features of our simulation for our benefit, and that’s not a novel concept either. It’s called engineering (among other names).
Eugenics where you try to optimize for high self esteem so that future generations no longer need stupid excuses to justify their breeding kink.