Back when Nginx started, Apache was the only alternative and a big pain in the ass. That’s how it became popular.
Back when Nginx started, Apache was the only alternative and a big pain in the ass. That’s how it became popular.
This game was released 10 years after git, and we already had backups since the 80s. Why are they lying?
EVs: too expensive, I can’t afford one. Chargers: there are no chargers where I live.
That’s it. Fix those problems and people will buy.
Having a “library” is already a crime in some countries so…
Not OP but my parents were “helicopter parents” and I was kind of brainwashed into thinking that school was the only purpose in life. You MUST get a degree, and that’s it. I had no education except “do your homework.” No real friends, no purpose in life, no thinking for myself. I was filthy, brushed my teeth once a day, took a shower once a week or once a month. No one ever noticed. It was worse than being a catholic extremist.
When I got a master’s degree, I didn’t knew what money was, health, having an opinion, paying taxes, taking a real shower, buying food, cooking food. I knew nothing and it took me years to even understand that it was a thing that you had to do every day. It was way before the internet but I’m happy it exists for young people. Physical abuse is difficult to detect, but psychological abuse is even more sneaky.
Milliardaire catholique qui fait de l’évasion fiscale. On voit le gars qui n’a jamais ouvert la bible.
I even gave an example
You haven’t given an example. Where are your sources?
Why did you remove the text? That’s not useful for us.
It is their project, but no company will use it if it’s broken on Windows.
I learned Python and regular expressions to download hundreds of pictures from 4chan. Good times.
God. I didn’t knew that Drew was such a language nazi. If you want to write a Go clone, it must be useful for everyone. Even Emacs is available on Windows officially.
That’s a good reason. I used my Java skills to crack a shareware (a solitaire game) because I had no money.
Ruby because it was the first popular Japanese language. I wrote a few useful scripts and it was nice. Then it was swallowed by Rails, and killed by Python. No one uses it around me but it was fun.
Is it propaganda for Hungarian people? Because he cannot be that fucking stupid.
At least we still have best Russia, which is… the best Russia we’ll ever have.
The staging area changed the way I work for the better. When I develop something, a file can be at the same time “not modified yet,” in progress where I can carefully accept or reject the modifications, and partially done when the parts have been confirmed and added to the staging area.
Once nothing is “in progress” anymore, I know that my future commit is almost perfect and I can quickly review my stuff before committing. It’s faster and more safe than other tools.
The API changes, and that reddit now blocks VPN users which means that I can’t even browse the site to read.
I’ve been working for almost 10 companies in 20 years, and I have only found 2 drama free workplaces so far. It’s random and I don’t think there are signs that could show you whether a job is good or bad.
Most HR people are happy when they hire you but it usually means nothing, sorry.
Last but not least, drama free could also mean “we’re gonna fire everybody in a few months,” which makes the choices more difficult to make.
Do you do it yourself with a European recipe? You would get the same result I guess.