I remember this level from The Fractured But Whole.
Wendell designs and sells all kinds of KVMs. Pricy, but up to 4x4 does exist. https://www.store.level1techs.com/products/hardware
My buddy recently shaved his beard and stopped at this point for a meme shot. Looked dead on like this!
I feel bad for the person in charge of the front department. Everyone on the internet will blame them.
Wind turbines are fanning the flames and keeping it hot.
I understand the reasoning, I’m just not sure I like the precedence this establishes. The details are quite vague.
The article says there was contact in a stairwell. What kind of contact? How long? Even if you got your groceries delivered, how would you get them if you aren’t allowed in a common area? No details at all.
This feels dystopian to me because the judgement seems to imply that if you are unlucky enough to have a better immune system than your deceased neighbor who was sick with the same strain of virus, that you’re fully liable for their death. IDK
Rookie question here. Would this process ruin a hardened blade?
Oh no, I’ve gone cross-eyed.
How did I miss this smh…
Must be a big fan of the WAN show.
Ring of fire? Anyone…
I understand that Voyager is nearly one light day away, but I can’t comprehend it.
Getting Greeced
You can tell it’s a rock because of the way it is. Wow!
Wibbly wobbly thighmey wimey.
Yellow rock? Must be climbable.