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Joined 17 days ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2024


  • You’re saying the Democrats, who are welcoming immigrants into sanctuary cities and fighting to protect the rights of legal immigration, are somehow also responsible for fear-mongering about immigrants?

    I’m saying the Democrats who have accepted and now push the 2016 right wing framing on immigration and the border as a national security threat are fear mongering about immigrants yes. Her official platform literally has

    Vice President Harris and Governor Walz believe in tough, smart solutions to secure the border, keep communities safe, and reform our broken immigration system. As Attorney General of California, Vice President Harris went after international drug gangs, human traffickers and cartels that smuggled guns, drugs, and human beings across the U.S.-Mexico border. As Vice President, she supported the bipartisan border [far-right] security bill, the strongest reform in decades. The legislation would have deployed more detection technology to intercept fentanyl and other drugs and added 1,500 border security agents to protect our border. After Donald Trump killed the border deal for his political gain, she and President Biden took action on their own — and now border crossings are at the lowest level in 4 years [why is this good if people crossing the border aren’t bad], their administration is seizing record amounts of fentanyl, and secured funding for the most significant increase in border agents in ten years. As President, she will bring back the bipartisan [far-right]border security bill and sign it into law. At the same time, she knows that our immigration system is broken and needs comprehensive reform that includes strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship.

    That’s an interesting take. What do you call it when Republicans…

    Whataboutism. “The Republican party are evil so it’s alright that the Democratic party is evil too!”.

    Edit: Also, I call them the thought leaders for the future of the Democratic party as they shift further and further right on these issues in the name of "compromise " and “reaching across the aisle”

  • antmzo220@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlChoice
    4 days ago

    So just accept your place in a broken system, got it. Just go support more increasingly right wing fascist policies and give up on any hope for Democracy.*

    Pure strawman.

    Pretty sure voting for a write in candidate/third party is, by definition, participating in the system.

    You just accept the system is broken and undemocratic and believe others should accept this as well and give up.

    You are more devoted to “order” than to justice; you prefer a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; you constantly say “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; you paternalistically believe you can set the timetable on progress and constantly advise the progressive to to wait for a “more convenient season”.

    You are the “white moderate” MLK warned of, as is the vast majority of the party, though not for long, as the party increasingly seeks the support of the right to avoid allowing any policy victory for the left.

    You are increasingly the Republican party of Cheney, as demonstrated by, not only his support for the party, but by the party and Kamala herself touting the endorsement, rather than ignoring it/distancing themselves.

  • antmzo220@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlChoice
    4 days ago

    Alaska has a Republican Governor along with a Republican Majority in the house and Senate, they have no restrictions on abortion.

    Does this mean the Republican party is pro-choice or that by voting Republican we can secure abortion rights? The answer is no.

  • antmzo220@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlChoice
    4 days ago

    Alaska, a red state, is reportedly trying to remove their rank choice voting. This isn’t a “Dems” problem, it’s a two party problem.

    This is a counter to the Democratic party supporters you see everywhere who always get irrationally upset at third party voters, not about Republicans.

    The point is, if the Democratic party never plan to address it, then how will it ever get done through voting Dem? The same goes for all the other issues people claim we should ignore in the name of “vote blue no matter who”, including their genocide.

  • By competition and diploma.

    What sort of competition and diploma?

    Who do you compete with over what/in what way and who controls the competition/decides the winner? Is anything that influences this process political?

    Does requiring that judges be elected remove requirements for diplomas? It definitely increases competition as you have to compete for the will of the people.

    Why elect him on political bases?

    Everything is political. The laws are determined by politics, every single person’s interpretation of said laws is determined by politics.

    A better question is, how does your system actually effectively remove politics from the process? Or does it simply shift the political aspect from the people themselves to another third party?

    Why shouldn’t the people themselves decide how they want the laws enforced in their own country? Who else should decide if not the people?

    We do not elect an engineer on political criteria, we take the one who seems the best among the candidates.

    Who determines which engineer seems the best off of what criteria? Is it political at all?

    Example: engineer1 is great at building bridges but only alright at apartments, engineer2 is great at building apartments but bad at bridges.

    The people of the city know the city requires more apartments but not more bridges.

    Why should engineer1 get the job for simply being the “better engineer” when he doesn’t fit the needs of the people?

    What’s the point to elect them?

    Why shouldn’t a judge serve and be accountable to the will of the people? Who knows better? Why?

    And how is it not an authoritarian, anti-democratic, political opinion to state that someone does better know what the people need than the people?

  • My neighbor told me that they think you are a racism apologist (aka a racist).

    “My racist neighbor told me a racist lie based on common racist tropes and I repeated it on the Internet to a bunch of racists, not because I’m racist but because…”

    And you defended them because…

    Edit: from the cited newsgaurd link in the article btw.

    Lee, who described herself to NewsGuard as a Democrat who supports Donald Trump, told us that she was “shocked” to see Trump repeat the claim that she had made in a private Facebook group. "Honestly, it blew me away,” Lee said. “I didn’t think that any of this would explode to the presidency.”

    As for how the story has shed a negative light on the thousands of Haitian migrants who have settled in Springfield, Lee said she was “just trying to inform people, you know, again, not saying Haitians as a whole [are] bad.”

    And yes, the neighbor who told the story is outwardly racist.

    For her part, Newton, Lee’s neighbor, said she remains concerned that the influx of Haitians is negatively affecting the city’s healthcare and education systems.

    “I think it was two years ago now, I went to the [Bureau of Motor Vehicles] to renew my license or my tags. I can’t remember, but I was sitting in the BMV, and the only way I know to describe it is I felt like … I was transported, because all around me it was people talking a different language. … I felt like I was the minority,” she said.


  • He was similarly just an online personality (YouTuber, funny commentary)just like Drew Gooden, until recently it was revealed he hooked up with a minor, knowing they were a minor (like 9 years ago or so)

    It’s funny because a couple months ago someone would have left a similar comment as you about him being included, but now he belongs with those other “evil” people.