• 3 Posts
Joined 25 days ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2024


  • Sleepwear is definitely a hack, I used that a lot early in my transition too as a low stakes method of affirmation.

    With respect to dysphoria I’ve frankly reached a point where it’s not so prevalent in my day to day life, ca 5 years into my social transition. It crops up of course but it’s much less pronounced, to the point where I was technically misgendered by a colleague (who did the right thing and immediately and discretely corrected himself), and that didn’t even feel bad at all.

    This also applies to euphoria though.

  • I’m kind of souring on Fedora Kinoite. I generally sometimes pop in to try how Linux is doing, and I had great hopes for KDE Plasma 6 and immutable distributions for stability. However, I’ve found that many things in the UI are still wonky and broken, fonts don’t render well, and I keep running into limitations in the flatopak/containers ecosystem.

    Here are a few paper cuts:

    • I can’t get the launcher to do web searches despite them being available and configured, even when manually invoking the keyword
    • fonts look blurry and render weirdly; all of the household macs produce ok output on the same screen so it isn’t the issue
    • I really miss having consistent emacs text navigation bindings but shortcuts like C-a/C-e are already taken and remapping is difficult to get to work consistently
    • I’ve been trying to compile parts of the Linux minidisc system but the dependencies aren’t available outside of a toolbox and USB isn’t available inside. I think, it’s difficult to google and I’ve time boxed trying to fix it to N hours and exhausted those, so it’s either impossible or too difficult
    • for a long time Obsidian (from flatpak) couldn’t agree with the window manager to draw drop shadows and window decorations which meant that figuring out where obsidian ended and the white window underneath it began was literally impossible
    • sometimes the wired USB keyboard stops working if I unplug it and doesn’t start working until I’ve plugged it in/unplugged it a few times

  • Lots of bad answers here. Obviously the kernel should schedule the UI to be responsive even under high load. That’s doable; just prioritise running those over batch jobs. That’s a perfectly valid demand to have on your system.

    This is one of the cases where Linux shows its history as a large shared unix system and its focus as a server OS; if the desktop is just a program like any other, who’s to say it should have more priority than Rust?

    I’ve also run into this problem. I never found a solution for this, but I think one of those fancy new schedulers might work, or at least is worth a shot. I’d appreciate hearing about it if it does work for you!

    Hopefully in a while there are separate desktop-oriented schedulers for the desktop distros (and ideally also better OOM handlers), but that seems to be a few years away maybe.

    In the short term you may have some success in adjusting the priority of Rust with nice, an incomprehensibly named tool to adjust the priority of your processes. High numbers = low priority (the task is “nicer” to the system). You run it like this: nice -n5 cargo build.

  • I’ve also set up both and in my experience Nextcloud is much much more complicated to set up but simpler to use and syncthing is pretty much the exact opposite.

    In my case, a rather long time ago, it failed to reliably sync my files, had a super annoying web based UI, was a pain to get all my devices to talk to each other because because they had to join some sort of peer to peer network and authenticate with the earth other all three. It also didn’t have any working solution for mobile devices. Hopefully all of that’s fixed now because there’s no inherent reason it couldn’t work.