“For the hoes in the back, and the crackers in they slacks; if I tweet, then delete, then I meant it.” – JPEGMAFIA.

https://readsettlers.org || I don’t address myself to settlers, their adjacencies, or those who sound like them. Unhousebroken .world and .works users get blocked on sight.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • Is that supposed to change anything? I’m physically trying not to pop off right now if only because I recognize your username-- but keeping it a buck? This kind of immediate-defensive, “well I never owned slaves” line, coupled with how quick you peddled it out, leads me to not believe you for a single motherfuckin second; because it sounds just like every other cracker in this godforsaken nation who can have their lineage traced back to slave owners.

    You’re patently untrustworthy, manifestly unserious, and honestly probably fucking dangerous regarding matters of liberation if you prioritize your papier-maché ego over the lived experience and frank fucking torture that leading a Black life entails; regardless of whether or not your hands or those of your ancestors were washed in that historical fountain of blood. I’d bet my left eye they didn’t get involved back then either, the same way your words imply you won’t get involved. After all, your folk ‘never owned slaves’, so it’s not your problem in your purview.

    tl;dr please, for once in your life, perform some honest self-crit.

  • It didn’t even take you 3 minutes to scratch a lib with this one

    tell y’all what when one of y’all mitchbade-assed liberals can provide justification for Biden’s Hancock on the '94 Crime Bill, and explain how he’s not just as racist as Strom Thurmond talkin about ‘racial jungles’ and ‘not wanting his (useless-assed silver-spoon nepo baby) kids to grow up in them’, then we can talk; but not one motherfuckin second before then, and you can eat my whole ass on your way out cause I know you don’t have none

  • Part of me genuinely does. The only reason I’m still humoring this conversation is because I recognize your username and have seen you about on this fed before.

    I see a future in which we have to fight against all whiteness. In which the current-day clarion calls of the politicians and capitalist elites toward the populace to rally 'round in protection of whiteness itself are heeded in full. Every time you hear a casual “slava ukraini” in the west, you are hearing the reaffirmation of solidarity with global whiteness. They’ve chosen their side and their praxis.

    “When Zelensky, Biden, Macron, talk about “common European values,” Africans and all non-European peoples understand its real meaning. It is a call for white Western solidarity in response to the global shift of power away from the West. It is essentially an appeal to support white supremacy through the maintenance of white material power that is based on the extractivist, parasitic relationship between the “West” and the rest of us.” – Ajamu Baraka

    They’ve started imprisoning our forefront activists again in attempts to shut us up, looking at what’s been done to the Uhuru 3, and the RICO charges filed against anti-Cop City protesters. They’ve already started, and the “White Lives Matter” movements are gaining steam hand-in-hand with the Banderites nourished by the Democrats. This will not end cleanly, and frankly, I’d say it lost the chance to end cleanly years ago.

    Just like it has for Palestine.

  • Naive. It is naive to think that the Zionists won’t take and take and take until they’re all that is left– exactly in the example of the crackers. Colonialism is a cancer, and your treatment plan is to just let it ravage the region-- and if this is really the only path of peace, then maybe the conflict deserves to flare up from the Palestinian side, with just as little mercy as the Zionists show them.

  • They can either give it up peacefully, or we can get into some Greenwood, into some Watts shit again. Would I rather see a ‘peaceful transition of power’ the way the crackers think their ‘democracy’ works? Of course. Am I really that naive, though? Hell fuckin’ no. I might’ve been born at night; but it sure as hell wasn’t last night, and when I balance out my scales, the weight of a settler life does not mean HALF as much to me as a life of one colonized.

    So in the face of that, and a country in which we cannot live with these crackers, cannot be safe around these crackers, cannot find the cultures, practices, and names that were stolen from us by these crackers, and cannot pursue our own self-determination around these crackers, what do you propose we do? Just sit here, lookin stupid, letting these crackers keep exploiting us, raping us, thieving from us, incarcerating us without cause, and eventually killing us?

  • That shouldn’t be the Palestinians’ problem. If anything, the mingled forces of FIVE-EYES, NATO, and what have you should have sacked the fuck up and carved off some of their own; and as they didn’t, I consider every single nation that fought for the Allies and still exists culpable for this aberration of colonialism. Instead, global crackery condemned Palestine to die so they wouldn’t have to bother; and you wonder why I don’t give the first fuck about white tears?

  • The differentiation is “can we trace your geneaology up to a slave owner, or further up to the pilgrim ships”. There’d need to be a party apparatus for this sort of records-checking; but I imagine in this day and age, there’s likely a technological solution for this that I’m not immediately landing on. Beyond that, I’m not above the idea of re-educating anyone who’s ever flagged themselves “Caucasian” on a federal census; but the priorities are ‘do you have slave-owner in your blood’.

  • Decolonization and mandatory re-education of settler-descent persons is really the only sane answer. I could be saying a half-dozen more overtly ghoulish things; but the first step of least harm is a ceding of power and privilege from the colonizers to the colonized, and education as to the fuckery that this country-- and as a result, Israel-- perpetuated to come into existence, and why what they did is an aberration.