• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Maps also has gone to shit. Complex routing including public transport is pretty much the only thing it still is useful for. For using maps as maps openstreetmap has been better for a long time, even before Google decided to dumb down their maps. For bicycle routing osm also is better nowadays as Google is missing most of the small paths.

  • Unless you are gunning for a job in infrastructure you don’t need to go into kubernetes or terraform or anything like that,

    Even then knowing when not to use k8s or similar things is often more valuable than having deep knowledge of those - a lot of stuff where I see k8s or similar stuff used doesn’t have the uptime requirements to warrant the complexity. If I have something that just should be up during working hours, and have reliable monitoring plus the ability to re-deploy it via ansible within 10 minutes if it goes poof maybe putting a few additional layers that can blow up in between isn’t the best idea.

  • aard@kyu.detoProgrammer Humor@programming.devOld timers know
    16 days ago

    Shitty companies did it like that back then - and shitty companies still don’t properly utilize what easy tools they have available for controlled deployment nowayads. So nothing really changed, just that the amount of people (and with that, amount of morons) skyrocketed.

    I had automated builds out of CVS with deployment to staging, and option to deploy to production after tests over 15 years ago.

  • Accessing powershell is not the issue - that Windows is broken, with a sprinkle of bad permission management by corporations using it is the issue. And the bad permission practices are a direct result of how broken Windows is - I tried a while ago to use it with a fully unprivileged user, just like I do for decades on UNIX and now Linux. It pretty much is impossible without privilege elevation prompts every few minutes.

    In a proper environment a user should be able to destroy data they’re working with - but not have the ability to alter the operating system.

  • Meanwhile over in Europe - went to the doctor in spring as a cough didn’t go away for ages. As suspected nothing he could do much - irritated throat, and just at the time when cold season was giving way for allergy season. So he prescribed some nose spray - and asked if he should also add some antihistamine to the prescription to save me a few eur (didn’t check, but it probably is single digits. That stuff is cheap)

  • Ich denke es gibt durchaus Situationen wo man Stolz auf sein Land sein darf. Fuer mich waere die Messlatte grob dass wir es schaffen dass jeder Einwohner die Mittel und Moeglichkeiten hat ein menschenwuerdiges Leben zu fuehren, ohne Gaengelung durch irgendwelche Aemter. Obdachlose haben die Moeglichkeit ohne Vorbedingungen in eine Wohnung vermittelt zu werden. Jedes Kind sollte die gleichen Bildungschancen haben - dazu wuerde eine bundesweite Verpflichtung zur Lernmittelfreiheit (was auch durch die Schule gestellte Computer enthalten muss) gehoeren. Kostenloses Mittagessen in der Schule waere auch nicht schlecht. Und gerade in den unteren Klassen Zusatzfoerderung im Klassenverband fuer Kinder die Probleme haben, und nicht der Versuch direkt auf andere Schulformen abzuschieben. Zumindest fuers Erststudium/Erstausbildung dann BAfoeG ersetzen durch kostenlose Studentenwohnung und genug Foerderung dass man nicht noch was zuverdienen muss.

    (Und bevor mir jetzt jemand mit “aber sowas ist unrealistisch” kommt - obiges ist grob der aktuelle Stand hier in Finnland. Wie weit weg davon Deutschland aktuell ist ist definitiv kein Grund um Stolz zu sein)

  • Kein wirklich grosses Problem. Hier in Finnland haben wir ein Endlager im Betrieb - 400m tief in Granit gesprengt, das ist geologisch extrem stabil. Faesser werden in einzelnen Loechern mit mehreren Layern zur Sicherheit gelagert, und am Ende werden die Zugangstunnel bis an die Oberflaeche zubetoniert. Falls das spaeter ueberhaupt jemand finden sollte - ohne ordentliches Werkzeug kommt da niemand rein, und eine Zivilisation die das hat duerfte auch die Gefahr erkennen.

  • aard@kyu.detoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldWoL through Wireguard
    10 months ago

    WoL works as Ethernet¹ broadcast, while Wireguard routes IP, one level above that. So for the purpose of WoL the two ends of the Wireguard tunnel are in two different, not connected networks. In theory you might be able to make it work using subnet directed broadcasts - though creating some means to trigger the WoL packet on where you’re terminating your Wireguard might be easier to manage.

    Simple option would be just logging in via SSH to trigger it (you could script that - define a host in your SSH client config that just executes a command on connection), or something like a simple web frontend which will then trigger the WoL event.

    ¹ it is probably fair to assume nowadays that you’re using Ethernet, and not something like Token Ring. In case you do it still works the same, just the terminology is different.