Master of Applied Cuntery, Level 7 Misanthrope, and Social Injustice Warrior

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023


  • I tend to mostly agree with what you’re saying, but there’s no common theme to our comments. I referred to nothing but the first sentence of your previous comment.

    That being said, I’m totally in favor of state armories, like Springfield used to be, but that’s not what we have right now. And never really had in Germany for the past 100+ years. And whether you privatize the manufacture of weapons or not, everyone involved in it needs to make a decent living. R&D needs to be done and financed, either from profit or tax-payer money. In my book the personal enrichment by a select few on the top is bad, no matter the industry. Allowing arms to be exported where they shouldn’t be, is a political “failure”; it’s an indirect subsidy that other states pay for to keep your own supply cheap and running. That’s not an arms manufacturer’s CEO’s fault. He is just a regular CEO asshole, and still would be, if “working” in another industry.

  • It’s not out of civility, and I think there are good reasons to dislike Armin Papperger; for example him being a filthy stinking rich CEO and him allowing deals with non-European countries. But, we need our militaries and we need our weapons industry. The military aid we sent to Ukraine did not materialize out of thin air. The pacifist position of “war bad, weapons bad, people making weapons bad” is infantile. If we stopped making weapons, Russia, or someone else, would waltz right in. Our military (and by extension the weapons industry) is what enables any of our diplomacy to not be completely ignored by nuclear bullies like Russia. A Russian plot to kill Armin Papperger is an attack against us, Germany, the west, NATO, not him individually.

  • An example would be a REST API with a few endpoints where the database operations are handled directly in the route handlers uniquely for that specific task.

    That’s a prime example for untestable code (not testable with unit tests/without IO). That might be fine for a tiny experiment, but I’d advise against it for projects of any size, even private ones. Always use a model like MVC, MVVM, three layers (data, business, user) …

    I feel like we should have an in depth talk to better understand the problems you’re facing and the line of thinking that motivates your initial request. Unfortunately I currently do not have the time for that. The best I can do now, with the best of intentions, is to advise you to read literature about software development. The trouble is, that I’m not sure what to suggest, because I think there’s nothing that fits your premise. Maybe read about library development/reusable code so you better understand what not to make reusable by comparison? So maybe “Reusable Software: The Base Object-oriented Component Libraries” by Bertrand Myer or “Analysis Patterns: Reusable Object Models” by Martin Fowler. Though, both books are more on the old-fashioned side and I wouldn’t recommend them if you’re not an avid reader and (former) student of computer science.

  • The problem is bioaccumulation: taking in substances faster than you can metabolize and excrete them. Eating something that has already accumulated something is worse than accumulating it from the same original sources. That’s why you can do suicide by vitamin A poisoning by eating carnivore livers.