ZWQbpkzl [none/use name]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 8th, 2022

  • For some reason you’re trying to install it as a system service so I suspect you need to start it with sudo and probably do the daemon reload with sudo. Not entirely sure its in the right folder but it might be fine.
    You can also try systemctl list-unit as a way to debug if its getting found by systemd.

    Fwiw I have spotifyd installed as a user service in ~/.config/systemd/user that way I can start and stop it with systemctl --user instead of sudo systemctl. This is important because spotifyd will disconnect and need to be restarted after inactivity.

  • I’m from there too. I could feel myself slowly becoming that type of libertarian shit head growing up until I moved away. Libertarianism is the only way you can rationalize all the bullshit you see around you and still remain in that environment.

    It takes a severe level of willful ignorance to work for the MIC. They’re so close to the contradictions at play that whenever you try to interrogate them on those contradictions they just short circuit in a way. Often they’ll repeat some sort of aphorism.

  • Replace many federal workers with those who are loyal only to the president

    This is the key point that actually makes all this possible. From the wiki

    It proposes reclassifying tens of thousands of merit-based federal civil service workers as political appointees in order to replace them with loyal conservatives to further the objectives of the next Republican president.

    “Tens of thousands”. There is absolutely not enough young republicans in the nation to replace that many federal workers. The outcome if they fired them anyways would be orders of magnitude worse than the De-Ba’athification of Iraq. Its declaring class war on Northern Virginia and its a fight the GOP would lose.

  • Thats also roughly the amount of force the Brachiosaurus would need to exert with just stomach and throat muscles to get the vomit up that high. I think they wouldn’t be able to do that and would constantly get heart burn in their 30’ esophagus.

    Much more likely is that they lowered their heads in humiliation and let the vomit slide all that way out.

  • I have a standing fatwa on snap only because it comes installed and enabled by default on Ubuntu server. Maybe it’s good for grandmas laptop but it’s kill-on-sight in a server environment. Every Ubuntu server I’ve seen has eventually been taken offline without any warning because of snapd doing some auto update.

    Ubuntu server should have snapd disabled. Ubuntu shouldn’t be the default distro for VPS providers. AFAIK its only the default because its the distro most people might have prior experience with.

    While I’m at it, Fedora is also on my shit list as dnf requires over a gig of memory to do a major version upgrade.