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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024

  • I feel like in a lot of cases the context is also sometimes important to differentiate between a real-life idiot and someone who is “Just Asking Questions.”

    The trite disclaimer is one thing, but explaining how you came to the specific question you’re asking helps me trust that it’s worth giving you an actual explanation rather than the dismissal that some folks want so they can post it on wherever the new home is for “so much for the tolerant left” bullshit.

  • Dude, there’s nobody judging this round and no tiny trophy to win. Drop the high school debate bullshit.

    Whole “conscious” isn’t defined in such a way that we can test easily, we can see very clearly that the kinds of errors LLMs make aren’t consistent with the way you would be wrong if you actually understood what was being asked the way a person does. They’re the kind of mistakes you get from a table of statistical relationships between tokens.

    I can’t “prove” that an LLM isn’t conscious in the same way I can’t prove a tree or rock isn’t conscious. That’s not exactly a compelling reason to think it is as you’re implying.

  • Sure, I’ll bite.

    What part of doing that is mutually exclusive with voting for Harris against project 2025? I’m not going to pretend electoral politics should be the be-all end-all of political participation. Yes, you should organize locally and look for opportunities to support socialist policies and leaders, but given that none of those are on the ballot, you should still use what little power electoral politics give you to try and push the system away from right-wing lunatics who have been very explicit about their plans to make everything socialists complain about significantly worse and to corrupt the democratic systems to try and make it even harder for socialists to take power in the future.

  • So first off I want to share the playlist that’s been stuck in my head for the last few weeks since I remembered it exists. Baby Got Back Talk, a punk outfit out of NYC, were outraged that an article in Rolling Stone or somewhere about the “philosophers of rock” didn’t include any women or non-white people, so they assembled a bunch who they felt should have been featured.

    If you prefer your music so-fresh-it’s-undercooked, you may also enjoy the podcast Jam Mechanics . Bug from Bug Hunter and Matt from The Narcissist’s Cookbook , two aggressively indie singer/songwriters, are prompted to make a song about something and then share the resulting demos ~4 hours later. A few of the songs from the first season have been actually finished into full tracks, but I like hearing the rough cuts and initial reactions because I’m that obnoxious guy.

  • It’s actually not legal to freeze someone who’s still alive, because the freezing process is decidedly lethal. They have to replace your blood to try and minimize cell damage from ice crystals and so on. Then there’s the “budget” option where they just chop off your head and freeze that rather than mess with your whole body, for people with a very specific level of magitech in mind for their resurrection.

    Now, there is a time in history where we got good enough at resurrection that they legally redefined death. In like the 70s they changed the definition of legally dead from having your heart stop to a cessation of brain activity because we got really good at restarting people’s hearts. But it’s a weirdly specific leap from “we can restart your heart” to “we can reconstruct you from just a head in a way that will have a meaningful and tangible connection to your current life”, but not all the way to “we can reconstruct you ex nihilo by retracing the quantum echoes your life created in the Force or whatever”.