It has nothing at all to do with the religious tensions over sacred land or anything. This is all new since 2001. There has never been bloodshed for the same bit of land before, it is all America’s fault.
Downvote and move on if you agree
Oh no! A cordial politician
WHATEVER WILL WE DO?!?! this is literally the end times, oh my God.
He’s just misunderstood.
Don’t bother checking his recent comment history or anything 🧟🧟
Jk, dude is a fucking ghoul of a human
Weird how the timeline of their thriving matches with the complexity of commercially available LLMs.
Very weird. Spooky even 👻
K thanks. Very helpful 🤡
US IT company ABBYY has dismissed all Russian
More than one side can be monstrous in a conflict.
I agree, which is why I don’t support any monstrous regimes 🤷
You don’t have to pick a side, it’s a moral trap and being super loud about having an opinion doesn’t stop the bloodshed or justify any of it.
Just wondering, when do you think this war started?
Typical entitled behavior from citizens of the world’s most disgusting totalitarian regime.
Block me too, please 🙆
I’m too ignorant to not give you constant shit moving forward after having seen how idiotic you are at your core.
It’s called hexbear, get with the times.
Totalitarian despot shocked to learn his citizens must shadow his beliefs absolutely or be disappeared/just plain murdered
More at 6 and 8 o’clock
Kinda weird to bring up Israel when Russia is genociding ukraine, too. (I can whataboutism also)
There are tons of tankie subs where you can masturbate to false expectations of the planet and openly hate people who you’ve never met before, check it out!
Inb4 tankies explain that Russia was just helping the aquatic life mutate faster to help them survive the coming nuclear annihilation Putin has on order and how it’s a good thing.
All authoritarians do, but especially the tankies
Lmao, go ask a tankie a question and watch the meltdown of you don’t like this (extremely accurate) generalization.
Lmao that’s fucking hilarious.
NK levels of brain rot here we come!
Right on track to repeat the horrors of the past with complete blind faith in himself.
I can’t wait to watch him fall on his face royally.