“Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.”

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

-George Bernard Shaw

  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I’m pretty laid back about most things in life but I found I’m not interested in wearing skulls or decorating with them. Not sure where it came from but it’s just a weird quirk I decided to listen to.

    I guess I figure there will be plenty of time later to be one.

  • Being straight the largest one was the absolute tree on my grandfather. It was near the end of his life in the hospital as I helped him navigate to a portable commode from the hospital bed.

    I was shocked by the 3rd leg that fell out during the move but it also explained why his much younger 2nd wife was complaining in the end even in his 90s he was still so damn frisky.

    He was also a hit with most of the ladies through his life. I suspect he really knew how to use the equipment he was blessed with.

  • I love milk in my tea and cream in my coffee not to mention ice cream but it’s still meant for helping calfs grow quickly into cows at the same time. We are talking huge gains quickly here.

    Some argue it’s why north American kids grow up so much faster and bigger than our Asian counterparts where milk and cheese is not as huge part of their diets. The kids hit puberty sooner too as a result. That’s changing in other parts of the world as cheese and milk make their ways into the diets even in places that never understood why Americans eat so much cheese on everything.

    Low fat products created enormous sources of removed fat that could be turned into all kinds of dairy products including cheeses. It’s also heavily subsidized by government too. Dairy is so cheap in the US as a result compared to even Canada.

    I don’t guzzle milk anymore like I did as a teen due to the amount of phlegm the body can create with its consumption. I’ve never forgotten a health video years ago that equated milk to drinking a glass of puss due to the things done to cows to make commercial milk.

    I guess in my mind cheese is adjacent but not milk, but that’s just fooling myself as I eat my cheese.

    It’s a huge industry in the west and I don’t think we will ever not see how great milk is for us. A lot is dedicated to keep those consumption numbers up and I do like my dairy products.

  • I wonder how few will draw some of the parallels of the colonial expansion in Australia and the West in general.

    I love the types that say others should go back to where they come from ignoring their parents and grandparents were not that far removed from the boat that brought them here.

    Then they don’t want to acknowledge that these groups were probably not that thrilled at being slaughtered and their kids taken away from them to make way for their colonial ancestors.

    It’s a amazing trait to me that humans can hold such diabolically opposed ideas as the same truths for them.