• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2024


  • I think most of this was caught immediately when the announcement was made (like the edited live coding), and in any case I can’t stand watching this video to the end. “This scared the pants off every software developer in the world” no. No it hasn’t. That’s just not true. Why do you even say that. The immediate first reaction of any SE with even a passing awareness of how marketing of software tools works and not completely high on genAI farts was “ye that won’t work” and, fucking shocking, it doesn’t work, wow, no way.

    People were trying to sell you that software engineers will be obsolete because “codeless apps” like 10 years ago. Wizards were supposed to eliminate jobs because they’d generate code so well. Knowing SQL was supposed to be completely obsoleted with ORMs. I’m too young to have been there but apparently XML was supposed to “solve networking” or something nonsensical like that.

    Those ads aren’t targeted at software engineers. They’re targeted at execs. It’s execs who get all excited that they can start firing their expensive and pesky developers that complain so much. Software engineers worth their salt don’t buy this shit because bollocks like these come as part of the job description.

    Anyway, trying to frame it as “it was supposed to be this revolutionary tool to replace developers” without mentioning that this is a song that’s been sung for fucking decades is a disservice to the topic. Nothing makes executives as wet as the thought of not having to deal with those fucking “specialists” that they need to pay actual salaries and can’t huff down their necks 8h a day with a whip to use if they don’t hit KPIs. And that’s extremely important to have in focus when you talk about shit like this and wonder “why did they raise so much money”. Because VCs hate labour that’s why. The answer is always that.

  • Salvation Army

    they are certainly mostly doing worthwhile things

    No. Nope. Not in the slightest. Crucially, they’re not even a charity! They don’t get any financial transparency scrutiny a charity gets! It’s a church! We don’t even know how to evaluate them because there’s literally no way to check what percentage of it is actually spent on charity. Their primary mission is to evangelise!

    Also Chick’fil’A had to distance themselves from SA because of their egregious track record with gay rights. The Bigotry Chicken deemed them too bigoted.

  • Satelite models are increasingly trained and deployed as autonomous agents, which significantly increases their potential for risks. One particular safety concern is that the Moon might covertly pursue misaligned goals, hiding its true capabilities and objectives – also known as scheming. We study whether the Moon has the capability to scheme in pursuit of a goal that we provide in-context and instruct the Moon to strongly follow. We evaluate satelite models on a suite of six planetary evaluations where the Moon is instructed to pursue goals and is placed in orbits that incentivize scheming.

  • In that sense, no underlying physical state could be said to hold “more” information than any other, right?

    In an information-theoretical sense, you can have a message that has a lower or higher information content. This is where entropy gets derived from. But it only makes sense for a fixed distribution – a more likely outcome has a lower information content. So I think you could have a physical state holding more information, if it’s a less likely state for some fixed definition of likeliness.

    This would probably be closer to an actual link between informational entropy and physical – a given microstate has lower physical entropy when it is a less-likely state (e.g. half-squished cup of coffee), and that state would have higher information content if we considered the state as the message. This intuitively makes sense, because physical entropy is in some sense the ability of a system to undergo change, so indeed a low-entropy system is “more useful”, just like a message with higher information content is “more useful”.