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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I think that a lot of those people likely live in a very car dependent, suburban area, and therefore don’t get any regular interaction with people outside of their immediate family.

    I live in a city, so I have regular infractions with people that I know when I’m out and about: I pop into the butcher shop, coffee shop or green grocer and talk to the employees I know. I walk the dog, and run into friends and acquaintances that live the next neighborhood over, etc. People in rural areas usually have similar sorts of relationships with people in the area.

    Contrast that with the suburbs, where neighbors may know each other to say hello to, but not much past that, and it’s hard to build any kind of relationship with the barista at the drive-through Starbucks or any employees at the local Kroger superstore.

  • Yeah. Just to be clear, the reason all those Dems voted against this appropriations bill was that it contains carve outs for things like abortion, among other things the far-right caucus wanted. As a result, it will never pass the Senate.

    There will now be a lengthy back and forth between the two chambers to try to get a reconciled version passed, and morons like Butthead and Troll-foot can grandstand and repeat Russian talking points to the public.

  • The social media algorithms were definitely much different in 2014. They tended to promote links to outside articles and trending topics, even if those links were to BuzzFeed listicles. In 2015/16 they had all changed to trying to keep people engaged on the original site, so they started pushing rage bait that would get people arguing in the comments.

    In 2014, everybody was talking about what color that dress was. In 2015, Breitbart was like the number 3 most popular shared “news” site on Facebook.

  • I bartend. I was working on Easter, and one of our semi regulars came in with a guy that she was obviously on a drink date with. They’d been at at least one other bar before they came in; they’d had a couple drinks, but weren’t past maybe tipsy.

    At one point, she mentioned that the reason the last place they’d been to was slow was likely that it happened to be Easter. At the mention of the word the guy interrupted with,


    To me this was a sign that this dude cared very much about religion and politics, but just like how scientologists don’t drop the Xenu shit on you right away, he wanted to wait until any prospective partner was in too deep before revealing how abhorrent his views are.

    That regular isn’t my favorite person, but I was proud of her for pretty much ending that date after that.