I prioritize ethics over optics even if it means facing criticism.

Sharing my honest beliefs, welcoming constructive debates, and embracing the potential for evolving viewpoints. Independent thinker navigating through conversations without allegiance to any particular side.

  • 11 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2023

  • Imagine having to teach your friends and family not to touch your car or it’ll rust.

    They’re doing that to avoid leaving greasy fingerprints on the doors. If it had door handles this wouldn’t be an issue.

    Ton of people spreading misinformation about Cybertrucks rusting. It’s not the body panels that rust, it’s the iron particles in the air (called fallout) that land on the panels and react with the stainless steel causing rust to form but it’s just surface contamination that’s cleans off easily. It has to be cleaned from other vehicles as well but it doesn’t form rust because it doesn’t contact the metal panels due to paint and clearcoat. It’s not a non-issue but claiming water makes it rust is dishonest. It’s not water that’s the issue. It’s iron, mostly from brake dust.

  • It’s not going to be the end of the world, and it’s not even going to be the end of the US. The next four years will likely unfold similarly to the previous four under Trump. Then there will be two new candidates: the Democratic one will be seen as equally incompetent as Biden, and the Republican candidate will be considered a Trump 2. We’ll be having this same discussion again, and again, and again…

  • Most Finns speak english pretty well, especially ones that are under 40 years old. However finding a job as someone not speaking Finnish can be a struggle. Fluent english skills alone aren’t something most companies would see as a big advantage as most people fresh out of school can pretty much do that as well. Finnish is a difficult language to learn but you don’t need to be perfect at it either. A foreigner willing to even try and learn the language is hugely appreciated. My russian neighbour knows like 30 words but that’s enough to get thru most conversations one needs to have with a neighbour.

  • I do remember hearing that one of the signs you’re in a dream is that your phone doesn’t work properly

    It’s one of the “reality tests” of lucid dreamers. You make a mental note of how you know your phone to behave and if you discover that not to be the case then that acts as an “alarm” that you’re sleeping.

    There are other tests as well. Light switches never turn on the lights. Text changes when you look away and then read it again. You can try pushing your hand thru the wall. If you jump you’ll jump really high or may even start flying.

    The point of these tests is to do them daily even when you “know” you’re awake so that the habit carries over to the dream world. However when this eventually happens either of two things is the most likely to happen: you freak out and wake up or you rationalize it to youself somehow. For example: “Holy shit I’m flying, this is a dream! Oh never mind it was just a crane that’s lifting me” Speaking from experience.

    Also a word of caution. It’s not recommended to look into mirrors when you’re lucid dreaming. You’ll see something other than yourself and this can be really uncomfortable. Also if you realize you’re dreaming and start to freak out but don’t wake up there’s a good chance it turns into a nightmare. The way out of it is to not be afraid, for example go hug the monster instead of running away but this is easier said than done.

  • What made me think about this is my girlfriend, who is quite vocal about the harms social media can have on the mental health of young girls, especially when influencers post heavily edited photos of themselves and their lives, which for the most part are fake.

    However, she’s active on social media as well, and being quite an attractive woman, she seems oblivious to what I consider a factual statement: her own content is also causing the same kind of concerns for other women who are not as genetically blessed as she is. What she’s posting is not fake, but it is heavily curated nonetheless. She obviously knows this herself, but do her followers?

    I don’t personally follow her social media, but I’d be willing to bet she hasn’t posted about being sick for a week and not taking a shower for four days. I don’t mean that as a criticism per se, but I think it highlights how little we think about the effect our own content has on others while still being quick to judge others for what they post.

  • No, I live in the same reality as everyone else but I feel like my grasp of it is generally more accurate than that of an average person, what ever that means. I see people (myself included) as rather predictable biological “robots” that are pushed around by their primitive wants and emotions while pretending to have agency over all the good things happening to them and blaming the world for all the rest. I don’t beliefe in free will in the sense that most people think about it. As in “you could have done otherwise”. It’s not just a philosophical concept I like but something I truly believe in and live by. There’s no going back once you take that pill. You can’t help but see the world and people differently after that and I mean it in a good way.

  • Most people are unsatisfied with their lives. There are two ways we generally try to deal with this; improve your own situation or try bringing other people down to your level. Many feel like the latter option is easier.

    I don’t hate anyone or anything. Hate is a toxic emotion that poisons your own mind but leaves the target of it unaffected. It also implies the thing you’re hating is responsible for whatever it is that makes you hate it and assumes they could choose to do otherwise. I don’t believe in this. People don’t choose to behave badly. They just do and couldn’t have done otherwise.

  • When I was still in school they paid me like 50 euros a week to help with grocery bills and they backed my mortage but other than that not really. I’ve been on my own for more than 15 years and I’m doing pretty good financially. I recently went from an employee to running my own bussines so currently my income is pretty much on par with my expenses but I’ve got quite substantial savings so I’m not particularly worried. I’m 33 years old.