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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Ironically, I had friends in school who had come from juvy. I guess you could say prision fed into school instead? I’d love to ask them their opinions on that statement though and see how similar to prison school really was.

    As far as I can tell, that person is just rage baiting. If they genuinely believe school is the same as prison, having visited one myself (not for myself), all I can say is they should actually visit one and see for themselves what a prison is actually like.

  • I’m not sure why I see people treating banning smartphones in class like child abuse or something. The only explanation I have is that it’s a cultural thing. Obviously, if used appropriately, a smartphone is a valuable tool, but this is only if they are used appropriately, which some students will do and some won’t (and this varies as well from school to school and class to class). Where I went to school, a significant number of students did not use them appropriately during class, so not allowing them made sense since they distracted from the lesson.

    So, why do I have so little confidence that they’ll be used properly? Some people are posting anecdotes about their time as teachers in this thread, so I’ll post one from the student’s perspective. Despite smartphones not being allowed in my classes in high school, people used them anyway. Why? The teachers wouldn’t notice, or some might just not say anything. I played the heck out of one mobile game with my friends in both of my history classes, and nothing ever happened. I knew people who’d be listening to music during class too, and completely ignore the lecture itself. Almost everyone with a phone out used it as a distraction from class, not as a tool to help them learn. Despite there being a rule against them, I’d estimate more than half of the people I went to school with used them during class anyway.

    So why didn’t the teachers enforce it more strictly? My guess is because it wasn’t safe. Many of my friends carried knives at school for self defense. There were a lot of violent students, ranging from fights in the hallway to students being part of a gang. To be clear, this wasn’t by any means the majority of the student body, but it wasn’t an insignificant portion of it either.

    The violence escalated dramatically after the 2016 election, where students (who were understandably upset about the result) got up and threatened all the white people in the school. I had graduated by then, but I knew people who had to barricade themselves in a room with a mob of angry knife-wielding students on the other side of the door. Many of the students in the room weren’t even old enough to vote. One teacher left the school because of all the threats she’d received.

    Also, not sure how common it is to have a “senior prank day” at other schools, but we had one every year. The “pranks” ranged from spray painting threats to teachers on the outside of the gym, to destroying school property. Once they had to put classes on pause while a company came out to replace the locks on all the doors since the “prank” was to destroy the locks so the doors couldn’t be opened.

    This school was pretty tame too, compared to some of the schools I’d heard stories of. One teacher I talked to at a different school had stories about all the times some student threatened her or pulled a gun out on her or whatever, and it honestly just sounded like hell.

    Anyway, I wouldn’t say I blame the kids for this behavior, and while I have strong opinions against feed-driven social media, I don’t think it was a major contributor to these behaviors (this was before social media was as big as it is now). I think it really comes down to parenting, whether the parents are just bad at raising kids, or they don’t have time or resources to properly raise their kids, or their kids have needs they don’t know how to (or refuse to) satisfy. Regardless, a teacher can only do so much, so rather than trying to correct behaviors in students at the risk of their own lives, I think a lot of them just put up with it for the sake of the students who do want to learn.

    So if the rule is going to be broken anyway, why have a rule against smartphones? It sets the expectation of students regarding smartphone usage, and gives teachers an opportunity to enforce that rule when they feel it’s appropriate (and safe) to do so.

    Edit: I should also add that I don’t think most schools are this violent. This school was exceptionally bad, but it wasn’t as uncommon as you might think to have a school this violent.

  • Anytime anyone mentions integrating an HTTP client into Rust’s std, all it takes is one good Python anecdote to shut that discussion right down.

    Having the standard library be stable and not try to add a bunch of support for changing standards is a long-term benefit to the language. Having “de-facto standard libs” with crates like url, http, etc ends up being better because they can evolve independently from the standard library, at the pace their respective domains evolve.

    Although, I suppose an argument could be made that url is unlikely to really evolve anymore.

  • Some thoughts on the comments on Discord:

    I can understand most of the arguments against Discord, and there are some problematic communies on it of course, but I’m not sure I understand how using Discord over an alternative puts someone more at risk of exposure to those communities. People are free to join and leave servers at will, so is the issue that these servers built around FOSS projects have toxic communities? If so, how would being on any other platform solve this?

    Speaking from experience, just about all the servers I’m in have some kind of “no politics” rule, a very inclusive “be nice” rule, and a pronoun selector. Maybe it’s just the servers I join, but hate speech gets people banned pretty quickly.

    Anyway, there are plenty of arguments that can be made about discoverability, lack of control, privacy, and the non-FOSS nature of the platform to justify its presence on that list.

  • In my case, since I get DashPass through my CC (not directly paying for it), I’ve seen it discounted to below the price some restaurants list on their websites. I pick up all my orders myself though.

    I wouldn’t pay for DashPass directly, personally speaking at least. I don’t use DD nearly enough to justify investing more into it vs. just ordering on the restaurant’s website or calling in the order. The only reason I even use DD is because I get that as a benefit through my CC and it usually pushes the prices to same or lower as ordering directly.

  • Grief, in my opinion, was a mistake. It should really be banned in all formats (except those where it’s normal to restrict instead). In the right deck, it’s a 1-drop 3/2 menace that double/triple thoughtsiezes before your opponent can drop a land into play.

    But hey, they fixed that problem by banning Fury in modern, right?

    As for the “no changes” B&R, I wish they were a little more willing to unban cards. For example, I wonder if Invoke Despair could come back to standard at this point (despite it rotating out soon anyway). Anyway, I guess I’m just looking forward to rotation to change up standard since it feels mostly solved (a lot of the same decks have been on top for a while now, with minor changes each new set).

  • Ignoring the rest, just some thoughts about the list of proposed features:

    A capture trait for automatic cheap clones

    Automatic implicit cloning would be useful for high level developers, but not ideal at all for low level or performance-sensitive code. It’s not the case that anyone using a shared pointer wants to clone it all the time. The high level usecase doesn’t justify the cost assumed by the low level users.

    Instead, being able to wrap those types with some kind of custom “clone automatically” type feels like a middle ground. It could be a trait like mentioned, or a special type in the standard library. Suppose we call it Autoclone[T] or something (using brackets because Lemmy nonsense). Autoclone[Rc[T]] could function like the article mentioned.

    Automatic partial borrows for private methods

    Having “private” and non-“private” methods function differently feels like confusing behavior that should be avoided if possible. Also, “private” I assume refers to pub(self) methods (the default if unspecified), which is “module-level” methods (so accessible within the module it’s defined in). Anyway, there are years of discussion around this so I’ll just defer to that as to why it’s not in yet.

    I agree with the urge to make it happen though. Some method of doing partial borrows for methods would be nice.

    Named and optional function parameters

    This is what prompted me to even comment. What “every language” does for complex constructors is different per language. C#, for example, supports both named and optional parameters, but construction usually uses an object initializer:

    var jake = new Person("Jake")
        Age = 30,
        // ...

    This is similar to Rust’s initializers:

    let jake = Person {
        age: 30,

    Where it gets tricky is around required parameters. Optional ones don’t really matter since you can use the syntax above if you want, or chain methods like with the builder style.

    As for the overhead of writing builders, there’s already libraries that let you slap #[derive(Builder)] on types and get a builder type automatically.

    As for optional parameters, how those are implemented differs between languages. In C#, default values must be constant values. In Python, default values are basically “global” values and this nonsense is possible:

    def count_calls(count=[]):
        # if unset, count is a global list
        return len(count)

    Anyway, all this is to say that the value of optional parameters isn’t obvious.

    Named parameters is more of a personal choice thing, but falls apart when your parameter has no name and is actually a pattern:

    async fn get_foo(_: u32) {}

    Also, traits often use names prefixed with underscores in their default fn impls to indicate a parameter an implementer has access to, but the trait doesn’t use by default. Do you use that name, or the name the implementer defined? I assume the former since you don’t always know the concrete type.

    Faster unwrap syntax

    We have that, it’s called the try operator.

    Okay I know it’s different, and I know everyone’s use case is different, but I’ve been coding long enough to know that enabling easy unwraps means people will use it everywhere despite proper error handling being pretty dang important in a production environment.

    Thinking of my coworkers alone, if we were to start writing Rust, they’d use that operator everywhere because that’s what they’re familiar with coming from other languages. Then comes the inevitable “how do I add a try-catch block?” caused by later needing to handle an error.

    Anyway, I prefer the extra syntax since it guides devs away from using that method over propagating the error upwards. For the most part, you can just use anyhow::Result and get most error types converted automatically.

    Try trait

    Yes please.


    Yes please.

    Stabilizing async read/write traits to standardize on an executor API

    I’d want input from runtime devs on this, but if possible, yes please.

    Allowing compilation of builds that fail typechecking


    How is the compiler going to know how to compile the code if it doesn’t know the types? This isn’t Python. The compiler needs to know things like how much memory to allocate, and there’s a ton of potential unsound behavior that can occur from treating one type as another, even if they’re the same size.

    Anyway I’ll save the rest for later since I’m out of time.

  • Speaking as someone with a MTF close friend and NB spouse, but the term used in the article is the term everyone around me used when I was growing up. That term may be obsolete now, and if so, the author simply needs to be informed. There’s no need to assume they meant harm by it.

    If they knowingly used a term that may offend, then that’s of course a separate issue.

  • I’m not sure which game this comment is in context of, but steam reviews showcase the issues pretty clearly. For example, I went on the steam reviews for MTGA at one point for fun and saw a comment complaining about there not being enough white male masculine looking avatars. I’m not sure how Gideon Jura (literally the definition, even in cards, of a masculine white guy) and Garruk are not masculine enough for this person lol.

    Most likely, from how the comment read, they were complaining about the female portraits and portraits with non-white characters. I’m assuming they missed the NB character portrait (Niko Aris) since they didn’t specifically call them out.

    I also remember back when Horizon: Zero Dawn came out there were a lot of people complaining about a female MC. Personally, that was one of my favorite parts of the game since it gave a non-traditional perspective of the story in my opinion. Maybe some people disagree, and that’s fine, but giving a game a poor review just because the MC is female is honestly just a dishonest review of the game.

    You are not entitled to my money.

    I don’t think the article claimed anyone was, at least from my read of it. It’s your loss if you refuse to enjoy games over such a petty reason though.

    It’s also honestly just childish to give a game you haven’t played a bad review for having a more diverse cast. The main character is literally on the box art - if it bothers you, then the game is clearly not for you. It’s like me reviewing an otome game poorly because I don’t like otome games.