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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023

  • Mediterranean literally translates to “middle of the earth”

    Medi = middle Terran = earth Ean = of the

    The complete sea name in a native romance language, not English, is Mar de Mediterranean. The word is obviously Latin in origin and the sea has been known as such since antiquity, probably predating Rome (who at the height of their control called the Mediterranean a Roman lake, since they encircled it on all sides. How quaint of them, yea?). This would have been known to Tolkien as the educated, well everybody really, back in the day, had more exposure to Latin, which had spread out widely due to the Church. Martin Luther and Guggenheim started that unraveling, tho Latin is still spoken in many many Catholic churches today.

    Midgard does translate to middle earth as well. Tolkien was prob aware of this as well, tho i think that this is lesser well known than Mediterranean, just by the global reach of Spanish.

  • I witnessed 5 police officers all hit a man on the ground with their tasers. Broad daylight.

    Died on the scene of a heart attack. Apparently natural causes. The polices internal investigations found the police did no wrong, imagine that.

    Unless you make enough money that you can regularly “donate” to the force, I suggest that you assume they are not there to help you and you protect yourself accordingly

  • Yep, gamergate, Steve Bannon and algorithms starting to trend towards the inflammatory.

    Also the SJWs, hot off their cultural kill streak, finally extended too far with demanding pronouns. It’s ivory tower level privilege to demand the world bend around you, and then do it again, for every single person who identifies as whatever they feel like. The “I identify as an attack helicopter” really summed up the zeitgeist and capped the cultural narrative. That was the moment where the right crystalized into a mirror to point out the pronoun lunacy - and it absolutely is, if you think otherwise, get over yourself. Nowhere in anywhere, ever, do we see people just make ridiculous demands on people like that and it EVER work. Like, is every meet and greet, business networking party just gonna start with 2 hours of writing down everyone’s him/hers/zlers/swishes/a12x2 whatever nonsense? No. Never. Sorry. In a perfect world, maybe, but we got a lot of work to do before even that level of perfection can be reached, I’m not thrilled about it either.