Laughs in opencore legacy patcher
Laughs in opencore legacy patcher
I can’t find where your comment is. Can you please add a red circle so I can read it?
They don’t show up italicised for me (iOS)
Same thing is happening in Russia
Local as in hosted in your country? If so then hell no (I’m from Russia)
What does it say? Shows a 403 error
That’s why I always use compact mode
You can’t such h*rrible things! This is a Cristian Minecraft server
It didn’t say you had to eat them, so m*ybe you have to use a wheel of cheese as a shield, a chield if you will
Laughs in fish
shutdown -r now
I’m at a loss for words apps and photos
Why couldn’t just tell people that you use linux an*way?
Chas anyone mentioned this yet?