I hate to break it to you, but She-Ra is less about hunter gatherers and more about interstellar empires with magitech
I hate to break it to you, but She-Ra is less about hunter gatherers and more about interstellar empires with magitech
Eh, more like “oh God I don’t want to be anywhere near this, feds please take over”
It’s just transporter psychosis, Broccoli
Hell, I’m not even done with it yet. One game at a time please!
Look through the window and witness a thread
Is the Sigmarillion just all the Warhammer Fantasy books?
Unfortunately Situational Awareness is less common than it should be. Synthetic Apertures though are fairly common
Our military will be good at its job
Is this fascism?
Without help from the topology kids
If you can run something on a pregnancy test, running it on a GPU is not really that impressive
He has now been replaced hastily and at great expense by Ralph the Wonder Llama
I know nothing about music history, but consider that you’re basically describing yodeling
Frozen shark do do do do do do
Dog of Empire? How dare you speak of the glorious Cleon dynasty in such a manner!
Like some kind of racist Michael Bay character with animated balls?
Because I use a real programming language, tell me what a T is and I’ll start caring
You’ve lost ANOTHER submarine?
When you’re already at “immigrants are eating your cats” and the numbers don’t move, it does kind of beg the question.
All of which is fixed by a voltage regulator