The Right’s opinions are not fact based, so you cannot convince them with facts
Most rightwing supporters are driven by their emotions, and fall prey to fear mongering and emotional manipulation related to their already existing beliefs like racism and xenophobia.
To change emotional based beliefs you need to use compassion. They are not your enemy. They are misguided and manipulated souls that need help.
Treat them as your best friend
They won’t be open to arguments if they think you’re the devil. So you have to be their friend.
It’s not necessary to explain everything to them. You can’t change someone’s world view in one conversation. Just show that you’re a reasonable person that is trying to understand them. Gently ask them what their beliefs are and don’t be confrontational. With a bit of time they will open their eyes by themselves.
Not easy. but I think that this is what effectively creates change.
Yes, both sides are bad. And yes, one is vastly more powerful than the other.
I absolutely agree that the more pressing matter is stopping the Israeli advance in Gaza. But I dislike this argument because it brushes off impact of the October 7th attacks by Hamas.
It cannot be denied that Gaza is a terrible neighbor, same as Israel. No one is in the right here. Everyone is terrible. Yes, stopping the Israeli attack is the most important action now. But Gaza’s actions need to be recognized. Ignoring such things will only create more division and undermine a diplomatic solution.
If you were born in Israel you would hate Gaza. If you were born in Gaza you would hate Israel. What is the solution? In the short term is stop the attacks. But in the long term the solution for both sides is empathy, compassion and diplomacy.